Apache resisters in Texas: Homeland Security's Nazi genocidal tactics
City of Berkeley condemns construction of border wall, supports Apaches at the border
By Brenda Norrell
EL CALABOZ, Texas -- Lipan Apache resisting the seizure of their land for construction of the United States’ border wall in Texas said Homeland Security is repeating the actions of the Nazis, as it seeks to seize land in the systematic genocide of indigenous and impoverished peoples.
Homeland Security filed suit against Eloisa Garcia Tamez on Jan. 29, who has been leading the resistance to the seizures of private lands in Texas. However, Homeland Security did not notify Tamez or other family members, who found out through the media.
Tamez’ daughter Margo Tamez said, “When they listed our relatives in public newspapers, without serving papers to them in person, or through the mail, they repeat the actions of other hate-filled regimes of the past who purged out the 'unwanteds' and 'undesirables' from their societies -- such as the Nazi expulsion of the Jews in Germany, France and Italy.“These daily 'hit lists' of DHS in our community are sending clear messages to our people that again, we are the targets of genocidal thoughts and actions.”
Eloisa Garcia Tamez has been ordered to federal court in Brownsville on Feb. 7.Margo Tamez’ comments came in a message of gratitude to supporter Wendy Kenin, after the Berkeley City Council unanimously voted to support the Lipan Apaches’ resolution on Jan. 29. The City’s resolution condemned the construction of the US/Mexico border wall.
Praising Kenin’s support in Berkeley, Margo Tamez said, “It is acts such as yours along with Gabriel Hernandez, who helped in the co-authoring of the Resolution for the City of Berkeley condemning the wall that beats the drum of justice which always foregrounds the drumbeat of the heart of truth.
“And, that truth is that the wall is a prison, intended to contain and to disperse and dislocate and disrupt ever further the indigenous people, and to pave over the negative impacts to indigenous people, the original aboriginal peoples, the impoverished, the sick and diseased, the malnourished, the negated forgotten 'Americans.’ To cover it up is the obvious goal of the administration.”
Margo Tamez said Apache on the Texas border are facing a great challenge to sustain their resistance against the administration, whose “caretakers are joining the band-wagon of profit.” Those include Senators Kay Bailey Hutchison, R-Texas, and Hillary Clinton, D-NY, who announced their complicity with the building of the wall regardless of the Omnibus Bill, section 564, which requires consultation with community members, Margo Tamez said.
While gaining support, Kenin told the Berkeley City Council of the militarization of indigenous land at the US/Mexico border.
“Among the many issues about the wall that Homeland Security is lawlessly constructing through the International Boundary Zone between the US and Mexico, perhaps the least known issue is the continuous militarization of the indigenous communities who have been and still are terrorized bi-national peoples ever since the lines were drawn. The wall is a continuation and escalation of that militarization. The resolution on this council's agenda for the next meeting includes most relevant issues, but especially affirms the rights of these Native American communities according to international law.”
Margo Tamez said, “The Lipan Apache people of South Texas have a long history of genocide and oppression imposed upon them by settler societies and have been forced to the peripheries of said society, as a marginalized ethnic group in their own territories.”
The resolution also cites international rights. The Charter of the United Nations, the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, as well as the Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action, affirm the fundamental importance of the right to self-determination of all peoples through which they freely determine their political status and freely pursue their economic, social, and cultural development, the resolution states.
Margo Tamez is now urging others to sign a resolution in support of Lipan Apache and indigenous peoples at the border. The resolution states an urgent need to respect and promote the rights of indigenous peoples affirmed in treaties, agreements and other constructive arrangements with States, including the Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo.
Further, it states the rights of the Tamez family and future generations as the aboriginal peoples of El Calaboz, in the San Pedro de Carricitos Land Grant.
“The indigenous Lipan Apache people of the San Pedro de Carricitos Land Grant were recognized as indigenous first peoples of their territories by the Spanish and Texas empresarios in the area designated ‘Apacheria.’”
“Dr. Eloisa Garcia Tamez and her daughter, Margo Tamez, refuse to be further harassed, intimidated, and oppressed by the settler society’s insistence on the increased militarization of their traditional and aboriginal lands which has had negative and persistent lethal impacts on Apache lifeways, ecologies, agricultural ways, religious practices, and their future generations’ possibility to practice their Native American culture, and to be the stewards of the ancient plant medicines, and their sacred sites and burial grounds,” the resolution states.
The border wall represents a human rights crisis for indigenous and other peoples living along the international boundary zone between the United States of México and America and this human rights crisis has resulted in over 4,000 migrant deaths in recent years. The resolution points out the devastating economic impact the border wall will have on South Texas, where residents on both sides of the border shop and carry out commerce in the neighboring countries. Free Trade agreements have already forced indigenous peoples into migration and exile from their homelands in the south.
Further, the resolution points out that the Homeland Security has already waived all federal laws and court orders to construct the border wall in fragile ecosystems in the west. The laws waived include the Endangered Species Act, Migratory Bird Treaty Act, National Environmental Policy Act, Coastal Zone Management Act, Clean Water Act, the Clean Air Act, National Historic Preservation Act, Archeological Resources Protection Act, Safe Drinking Water Act, Noise Control Act, Solid Waste Disposal Act, Wild and Scenic Rivers Act, Farmland Protection Policy Act, Administrative Procedures Act, Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act, and countless other laws, protecting wildlife refuges, parks, sanctuaries and wildlife areas.
Petitions of support, Margo Tamez asked for signatures of support for her mother:
Lipan Apache (El Calaboz) Resolution Condemning Border Wall:
Information & Action You Can Take:
Eloisa Garcia Tamez has been ordered to appear in Federal Court #6, on February 7, 2008, Judge Hanen presiding. This is an official hearing for condemnation and taking, under the Department of Homeland Security's "Declaration of Taking," an act of unwarranted, hostile aggression against her, a respected elder and leader of the traditional people, the aboriginal people of El Calaboz rancheria--"the place where the Lipan pray." At this time, we ask you to show your solidarity with indigenous women, Native American people, and the aboriginal pueblos indigenas of the Lower Rio Grande valley, and sign this petition. At this time, we humbly ask you to circulate this petition widely through your circles, family, friends, ceremonial leaders, faith leaders, tribal officials, elected officials, representatives, and international leaders and ask them to sign this petition as well.There are 2 parts: WE ask you to first sign the RESOLUTION. We ask you to become informed by reading the second petition, and write to the individuals listed there who we requested intervention from on behalf of Eloisa Garcia Tamez, and the El Calaboz lands, ecologies, sacred sites, burial sites, farmlands, traditional dwelling sites, archaeologically significant sites, and endangered species.ahi'i'e Margo Tamez
PLEASE SIGN THESE PETITIONS: Lipan Apache (El Calaboz) Resolution Condemning Border Wall:
Information & Action You Can Take:
Lipan Apache and Rio Grande indigenous resolution:
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Lipan Apache resolution condemning border wall construction
WHEREAS, the Charter of the United Nations, the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, as well as the Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action, affirm the fundamental importance of the right to self-determination of all peoples through which they freely determine their political status and freely pursue their economic, social, and cultural development1, and
WHEREAS, Indigenous peoples are equal to all other peoples, including all peoples residing in the United States of America, while recognizing the right of all peoples to be different, to consider themselves different, and to be respected as such, and
WHEREAS, there is an urgent need to respect and promote the rights of indigenous peoples which derive from their political, economic and social structures as well as from their cultures, spiritual traditions, histories and philosophies, especially their rights to their lands, territories, and resources, and
WHEREAS, there is also an urgent need to respect and promote the rights of indigenous peoples affirmed in treaties, agreements and other constructive arrangements with States,[1] including the Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo, and
WHEREAS, there is an urgent need to respect and promote the rights of the Lipan Apache people, specifically the rights of Dr. Eloisa Garcia Tamez a Lipan Apache woman and defender of her elders, and the cultural, economic, social, and political rights of her children, grandchildren, and future generations as the aboriginal peoples of El Calaboz, in the San Pedro de Carricitos Land Grant, and
WHEREAS, the indigenous Lipan Apache people of the San Pedro de Carricitos Land Grant were recognized as indigenous first peoples of their territories by the Spanish and Texas empresarios in the area designated “Apacheria”, and
WHEREAS, the Lipan Apache people of the San Pedro de Carricitos porciones (customary indigenous lands) described in this manner in the Texas Land Office, a legal entity recognized by the State of Texas as a legitimate archive of Texas land records: “San Pedro de Carricitos land grant consisted of 12,730.59 acres in Cameron County. It was granted by Mexico, October 30, 1833. Pedro Bouchard applies for himself and Ramon Garcia for the heirs of Matias Garcia and the heirs of Jose Maria Villarreal and the heirs of Miguel Cabazos for three leagues originally granted to Pedro Villarreal in 1784. Witnesses prove occupation, cultivation and pasturage of said tract for many years prior to March 2, 1836, and never heard of any adverse claimants. All the papers and other documents formerly presented to the Board were lost by shipwreck. Recommended. Confirmed by the Legislature, Act of February 10, 1852. Decree of District Court of Cameron County, January 24, 1872,” and
WHEREAS, the Lipan Apache people of South Texas have a long history of genocide and oppression imposed upon them by settler societies and have been forced to the peripheries of said society, as a marginalized ethnic group in their own territories, and
WHEREAS, Dr. Eloisa Garcia Tamez and her daughter, Margo Tamez, refuse to be further harassed, intimidated, and oppressed by the settler society’s insistence on the increased militarization of their traditional and aboriginal lands which has had negative and persistent lethal impacts on Apache lifeways, ecologies, agricultural ways, religious practices, and their future generations’ possibility to practice their Native American culture, and to be the stewards of the ancient plant medicines, and their sacred sites and burial grounds, and
WHEREAS, Dr. Eloisa Garcia Tamez and her daughter, Margo Tamez, recognize the threat of increased injuries and deaths in their lands as experienced on the border by Jumano Apache families of Redford, Texas and T’ohono O’odham families in Arizona who lost loved ones to U.S. Marines and U.S. Border Patrol armed personnel, and
WHEREAS, there is a favorable impact of demilitarizing the lands and territories of indigenous peoples, upon peace, economic and social progress, development, understanding, and friendly relations among nations and peoples of the world, and
WHEREAS, last year the United States Congress appropriated 1.2 billion dollars for the construction of a wall along the United States (US)-Mexico border to help eliminate migration and drug trafficking;
WHEREAS, the United States Department of Homeland Security (Department) has recently proceeded with the plan to construct a border wall by giving property owners along the US-Mexico border a 30 day notice asking owners to sign waivers allowing access to Department personnel or else the federal government will file a law suit so that federal employees can have unimpeded access to private land; and,
WHEREAS, Article 13 of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights that states “Everyone has the right to freedom of movement and residence within the borders of each state,” and “Everyone has the right to leave any country, including his (or her) own, and to return to his (or her) country,” and
WHEREAS, the border wall represents a human rights crisis for indigenous and other peoples living along the international boundary zone between the United States of México and America and this human rights crisis has resulted in over 4,000 migrant deaths in recent years;[2] and
WHEREAS, the border wall will have devastating consequences on local economies, the environment, and human rights, and will result in landowners and farmers losing land and critical access to river water irrigation and will adversely affect the relationship between the United States of México and America and indigenous nations; and
WHEREAS, military policies, immigration policies, and United States foreign policy, including economic policies outlined in treaties, agreements and other constructive agreements like the North American Free Trade Agreement, directly impact state and local government policies, including but not limited to, the provision of services to address the migration of individuals into the United States local economies; and
WHEREAS, billions of federal dollars intended for the border wall should be invested in health care, housing, education, job training, and infrastructure that will provide a visible and tangible return to the country, such as increasing opportunities, reducing poverty, diabetes, childhood obesity, and other preventable maladies;[3] and
WHEREAS, the federal government has reserved for itself “the authority to waive all legal requirements” which, in the sole discretion of the Secretary of Homeland Security, have been deemed “necessary to ensure expeditious construction” of the border wall[4] and it is prepared to use its powers of eminent domain to supersede the property rights of indigenous peoples and other landowners along the international boundary zone; and
WHEREAS, the federal government, through its power to waive in their entirety the Endangered Species Act, the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, the National Environmental Policy Act, the Coastal Zone Management Act, the Clean Water Act, the Clean Air Act, the National Historic Preservation Act, the Archeological Resources Protection Act, the Safe Drinking Water Act, the Noise Control Act, the Solid Waste Disposal Act, the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act, the Farmland Protection Policy Act, the Administrative Procedures Act, the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act, and countless other democratically established laws, ordinances, statutes, and judicial decisions, would construct a border wall that would slice through the heart of numerous wildlife refuges, parks, sanctuaries and other similar tracts established to protect wildlife in their respective natural environments and other historical sites along the international boundary zone; and
WHEREAS, no region of the United States of America has a greater interest in border security than the communities along the international boundary zone between the United States of México and America.
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Indigenous People and their allies who hereby express their opposition to the United States of America Federal Government funding and construction of the border wall, which would be imposed upon the international boundary zone connecting the United States of México and the United States of America, directly impacting indigenous peoples, an infrastructure project that would not coincide with a humane strategy for comprehensive immigration reform and increased security for the United States but would instead cause untold death and damage of historic proportions to indigenous cultures inherent to sustainable futures, human life, wildlife, water rights, ecosystems, endangered species sacred to indigenous people of the region, local and state economies, private properties, land grant entitlements of indigenous people, sacred indigenous burial and ceremonial sites, historical properties and sites, farmland, and international relations between the United States of Mexico, the United States of America, and indigenous nations and communities.
1 Draft resolution, United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, recommendation of the Human Rights Council contained in its resolution ½ of 29 June 2006, by which the Council adopted the text as contained in the annex presented on 12 September 2007 to the United Nations General Assembly.
[2] Ibid.
[3] Ibid.
[4] 8 USCS § 1103, note: Improvement of barriers at border, (c)(1).
Petitions of support, Margo Tamez asked for signatures of support for her mother:
Lipan Apache (El Calaboz) Resolution Condemning Border Wall: www.petitiononline.com/dawnnlp1
Information & Action You Can Take:
Eloisa Garcia Tamez has been ordered to appear in Federal Court #6, on February 7, 2008, Judge Hanen presiding. This is an official hearing for condemnation and taking, under the Department of Homeland Security's "Declaration of Taking," an act of unwarranted, hostile aggression against her, a respected elder and leader of the traditional people, the aboriginal people of El Calaboz rancheria--"the place where the Lipan pray." At this time, we ask you to show your solidarity with indigenous women, Native American people, and the aboriginal pueblos indigenas of the Lower Rio Grande valley, and sign this petition. At this time, we humbly ask you to circulate this petition widely through your circles, family, friends, ceremonial leaders, faith leaders, tribal officials, elected officials, representatives, and international leaders and ask them to sign this petition as well. There are 2 parts: WE ask you to first sign the RESOLUTION. We ask you to become informed by reading the second petition, and write to the individuals listed there who we requested intervention from on behalf of Eloisa Garcia Tamez, and the El Calaboz lands, ecologies, sacred sites, burial sites, farmlands, traditional dwelling sites, archaeologically significant sites, and endangered species.
ahi'i'e Margo Tamez
PLEASE SIGN THESE PETITIONS: Lipan Apache (El Calaboz) Resolution Condemning Border Wall:
Information & Action You Can Take:
WHEREAS, the Charter of the United Nations, the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, as well as the Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action, affirm the fundamental importance of the right to self-determination of all peoples through which they freely determine their political status and freely pursue their economic, social, and cultural development1, and
WHEREAS, Indigenous peoples are equal to all other peoples, including all peoples residing in the United States of America, while recognizing the right of all peoples to be different, to consider themselves different, and to be respected as such, and
WHEREAS, there is an urgent need to respect and promote the rights of indigenous peoples which derive from their political, economic and social structures as well as from their cultures, spiritual traditions, histories and philosophies, especially their rights to their lands, territories, and resources, and
WHEREAS, there is also an urgent need to respect and promote the rights of indigenous peoples affirmed in treaties, agreements and other constructive arrangements with States,[1] including the Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo, and
WHEREAS, there is an urgent need to respect and promote the rights of the Lipan Apache people, specifically the rights of Dr. Eloisa Garcia Tamez a Lipan Apache woman and defender of her elders, and the cultural, economic, social, and political rights of her children, grandchildren, and future generations as the aboriginal peoples of El Calaboz, in the San Pedro de Carricitos Land Grant, and
WHEREAS, the indigenous Lipan Apache people of the San Pedro de Carricitos Land Grant were recognized as indigenous first peoples of their territories by the Spanish and Texas empresarios in the area designated “Apacheria”, and
WHEREAS, the Lipan Apache people of the San Pedro de Carricitos porciones (customary indigenous lands) described in this manner in the Texas Land Office, a legal entity recognized by the State of Texas as a legitimate archive of Texas land records: “San Pedro de Carricitos land grant consisted of 12,730.59 acres in Cameron County. It was granted by Mexico, October 30, 1833. Pedro Bouchard applies for himself and Ramon Garcia for the heirs of Matias Garcia and the heirs of Jose Maria Villarreal and the heirs of Miguel Cabazos for three leagues originally granted to Pedro Villarreal in 1784. Witnesses prove occupation, cultivation and pasturage of said tract for many years prior to March 2, 1836, and never heard of any adverse claimants. All the papers and other documents formerly presented to the Board were lost by shipwreck. Recommended. Confirmed by the Legislature, Act of February 10, 1852. Decree of District Court of Cameron County, January 24, 1872,” and
WHEREAS, the Lipan Apache people of South Texas have a long history of genocide and oppression imposed upon them by settler societies and have been forced to the peripheries of said society, as a marginalized ethnic group in their own territories, and
WHEREAS, Dr. Eloisa Garcia Tamez and her daughter, Margo Tamez, refuse to be further harassed, intimidated, and oppressed by the settler society’s insistence on the increased militarization of their traditional and aboriginal lands which has had negative and persistent lethal impacts on Apache lifeways, ecologies, agricultural ways, religious practices, and their future generations’ possibility to practice their Native American culture, and to be the stewards of the ancient plant medicines, and their sacred sites and burial grounds, and
WHEREAS, Dr. Eloisa Garcia Tamez and her daughter, Margo Tamez, recognize the threat of increased injuries and deaths in their lands as experienced on the border by Jumano Apache families of Redford, Texas and T’ohono O’odham families in Arizona who lost loved ones to U.S. Marines and U.S. Border Patrol armed personnel, and
WHEREAS, there is a favorable impact of demilitarizing the lands and territories of indigenous peoples, upon peace, economic and social progress, development, understanding, and friendly relations among nations and peoples of the world, and
WHEREAS, last year the United States Congress appropriated 1.2 billion dollars for the construction of a wall along the United States (US)-Mexico border to help eliminate migration and drug trafficking;
WHEREAS, the United States Department of Homeland Security (Department) has recently proceeded with the plan to construct a border wall by giving property owners along the US-Mexico border a 30 day notice asking owners to sign waivers allowing access to Department personnel or else the federal government will file a law suit so that federal employees can have unimpeded access to private land; and,
WHEREAS, Article 13 of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights that states “Everyone has the right to freedom of movement and residence within the borders of each state,” and “Everyone has the right to leave any country, including his (or her) own, and to return to his (or her) country,” and
WHEREAS, the border wall represents a human rights crisis for indigenous and other peoples living along the international boundary zone between the United States of México and America and this human rights crisis has resulted in over 4,000 migrant deaths in recent years;[2] and
WHEREAS, the border wall will have devastating consequences on local economies, the environment, and human rights, and will result in landowners and farmers losing land and critical access to river water irrigation and will adversely affect the relationship between the United States of México and America and indigenous nations; and
WHEREAS, military policies, immigration policies, and United States foreign policy, including economic policies outlined in treaties, agreements and other constructive agreements like the North American Free Trade Agreement, directly impact state and local government policies, including but not limited to, the provision of services to address the migration of individuals into the United States local economies; and
WHEREAS, billions of federal dollars intended for the border wall should be invested in health care, housing, education, job training, and infrastructure that will provide a visible and tangible return to the country, such as increasing opportunities, reducing poverty, diabetes, childhood obesity, and other preventable maladies;[3] and
WHEREAS, the federal government has reserved for itself “the authority to waive all legal requirements” which, in the sole discretion of the Secretary of Homeland Security, have been deemed “necessary to ensure expeditious construction” of the border wall[4] and it is prepared to use its powers of eminent domain to supersede the property rights of indigenous peoples and other landowners along the international boundary zone; and
WHEREAS, the federal government, through its power to waive in their entirety the Endangered Species Act, the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, the National Environmental Policy Act, the Coastal Zone Management Act, the Clean Water Act, the Clean Air Act, the National Historic Preservation Act, the Archeological Resources Protection Act, the Safe Drinking Water Act, the Noise Control Act, the Solid Waste Disposal Act, the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act, the Farmland Protection Policy Act, the Administrative Procedures Act, the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act, and countless other democratically established laws, ordinances, statutes, and judicial decisions, would construct a border wall that would slice through the heart of numerous wildlife refuges, parks, sanctuaries and other similar tracts established to protect wildlife in their respective natural environments and other historical sites along the international boundary zone; and
WHEREAS, no region of the United States of America has a greater interest in border security than the communities along the international boundary zone between the United States of México and America.
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Indigenous People and their allies who hereby express their opposition to the United States of America Federal Government funding and construction of the border wall, which would be imposed upon the international boundary zone connecting the United States of México and the United States of America, directly impacting indigenous peoples, an infrastructure project that would not coincide with a humane strategy for comprehensive immigration reform and increased security for the United States but would instead cause untold death and damage of historic proportions to indigenous cultures inherent to sustainable futures, human life, wildlife, water rights, ecosystems, endangered species sacred to indigenous people of the region, local and state economies, private properties, land grant entitlements of indigenous people, sacred indigenous burial and ceremonial sites, historical properties and sites, farmland, and international relations between the United States of Mexico, the United States of America, and indigenous nations and communities.
1 Draft resolution, United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, recommendation of the Human Rights Council contained in its resolution ½ of 29 June 2006, by which the Council adopted the text as contained in the annex presented on 12 September 2007 to the United Nations General Assembly.
[2] Ibid.
[3] Ibid.
[4] 8 USCS § 1103, note: Improvement of barriers at border, (c)(1).
Petitions of support, Margo Tamez asked for signatures of support for her mother:
Lipan Apache (El Calaboz) Resolution Condemning Border Wall: www.petitiononline.com/dawnnlp1
Information & Action You Can Take:
Eloisa Garcia Tamez has been ordered to appear in Federal Court #6, on February 7, 2008, Judge Hanen presiding. This is an official hearing for condemnation and taking, under the Department of Homeland Security's "Declaration of Taking," an act of unwarranted, hostile aggression against her, a respected elder and leader of the traditional people, the aboriginal people of El Calaboz rancheria--"the place where the Lipan pray." At this time, we ask you to show your solidarity with indigenous women, Native American people, and the aboriginal pueblos indigenas of the Lower Rio Grande valley, and sign this petition. At this time, we humbly ask you to circulate this petition widely through your circles, family, friends, ceremonial leaders, faith leaders, tribal officials, elected officials, representatives, and international leaders and ask them to sign this petition as well. There are 2 parts: WE ask you to first sign the RESOLUTION. We ask you to become informed by reading the second petition, and write to the individuals listed there who we requested intervention from on behalf of Eloisa Garcia Tamez, and the El Calaboz lands, ecologies, sacred sites, burial sites, farmlands, traditional dwelling sites, archaeologically significant sites, and endangered species.
ahi'i'e Margo Tamez
PLEASE SIGN THESE PETITIONS: Lipan Apache (El Calaboz) Resolution Condemning Border Wall:
Information & Action You Can Take:
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Mohawk Nation News website sabotaged after Canada's covert op exposure

By Kahentinetha Horn
Mohawk Nation News
Jan. 30, 2008. The gross corruption revealed in “Access to Information” documents from Public Security and Emergency Preparedness Canada and Indian Affairs has not made the front pages of the corporate media. [Dossier No. 1336-A-2006-0034]. Instead they’ve temporarily sabotaged MNN. It appears to now be owned by 1599754 Ontario Limited!! How could this happen? How could we lose ownership of our website without our knowledge or consent.
Ernie Hilts, the website host, at 705-429-4792 email ernie@9thdegree.biz won’t answer our calls or emails, that I never gave up ownership of my website. We can’t think of anyone who would have a motivation for doing this. [“Canada’s “Indian Affairs” financed war machine to attack Mohawks on Jan. 12, 2004” – Jan. 27, 2008].
We know that the Canadian government is riddled with corruption. They aren’t as careful to cover their tracks because they don’t see us as people. They think we are powerless, have no voice and are blind. They have secret meeting about us.
We have no rights. They can plan to deprive us or even kill us.
The people written about are objecting to the nicknames we gave them, such as “ambulance chaser” and “turn coat”. They are not denying the factual substance of the information found in the documents we reviewed. None have expressed any concern for those who are suffering from poverty, poor health, inferior education and unemployment because they are withholding or diverting our funds.
None have called for an investigation. No criminal charges have been laid. This proves that Canada does not live by the rule of law. To them, as long as something is authorized by someone higher up, it’s legal even if it’s in blatant violation of their legal mandate set out for them by the laws passed by Parliament. Back in 1978 when I was working for Indian Affairs in Ottawa, the Assistant Deputy Minister, Cam Mackie, had a Christmas party in his swank spacious office on the 21st floor. No Indians were invited.
A fellow non-native employee invited me to go up there. Cam Mackie was walking around wearing a t-shirt with the message, “Let’s have an Indian Affair”. Honest to goodness! It was supposed to be a joke. Just reading it felt like a knife right in my gut. I was terrified for the future of my three little girls.
How could I protect them as a single mother and a native woman?
“You are disgusting”, I said and went home to protect my little ones. My fear was real. Indigenous women are still being victimized. 500 are missing and not investigated. Everyone knew that it was open season on young native girls like Betty Osborne who had been raped and killed by four non-native young men. Everyone in the community knew. Nobody did a thing.
It went unpunished for almost 20 years.
Here was sanction of the abuse of Indigenous people from the highest level.
Closer to hand, it was open season on young native boys.
Kevin White, a Cree, was dying of AIDS contracted through association with Indian Affairs and high government homosexuals. [“Where Eagles Dare to Soar – Indians, Politics and AIDS”]. Not to mention the “Starlight Tours” in Saskatchewan where police left our young boys about 30 miles out of the city to perish in the freezing cold.
This abuse of our young people cannot happen without the express complicity of the colonial hierarchy. When water goes down the toilet, it’s a sick maelstrom that sucks in a lot of people. Those who betrayed the Mohawks of Kanehsateke may have started out with good intentions. They get into the momentum, forget to take a stand when necessary and try to drag us down with them.
They fell under the Svengali spell and started selling land like La Trappe without the people’s consent, negotiated away the beach or supported political manipulations with lawyers, third party managers, compliant band councils, and allowed the same law firm to represent the colonial government, the church and the Indigenous people. What a party they must be having with three major funding sources.
These people are shocked to see themselves exposed.
Perhaps they were so entranced by their access to foreign colonial power and the promises that they thought they were doing the people a favor by making decisions without our consent and taking part in these manipulations behind our backs. Or just sitting there and doing nothing. No one can complain they weren’t interviewed when it’s all there in black and white. Were we interviewed before they signed away our rights?
What makes them think they can trash the democratic principles of rule by the people and think they are above everyone else? Once elected, forget about us! The conference calls, discussions and reports in the documents were pure sleaze. Those involved knew they were hurting us. We invite them to publish the full text on the internet without their spin doctors slanting it and lawyers burying the news. They’ve become props for outright dictators. They planned, schemed and sat there idly while our communities go without basic necessities like clean water, decent food and housing. They’ve diverted our funds to hire armed forces, manipulate the media and oppress and attack us.
It appears to be okay to call us “squaws”, “wagon burners” or “welfare bums”. It’s not okay to call an “elected official” who betrays his people a “turncoat” or a lawyer who to tries to profit from our misfortune an “ambulance chaser”.
They say if we had all the facts we would find that the nicknames are wrong. As far as MNN is concerned, they could be worse! Hey wait a minute! How could we get to “know all the facts” when the meetings are all secret or behind closed doors? If government was open and transparent the way it’s supposed to be in a society that supposed to treat everyone equally, we might find out more about this shocking abuse of governmental process and misspending of our money. Why hasn’t anyone been criminally charged for misappropriation of funds and for exceeding their authority or fraud?
Why were people in Kanehsatake jailed for objecting to the attack made on us by a paramilitary force paid with money diverted from our health care, education and social programs? Some of our communities are within spitting distance of the glitz and glamour lived by high public officials in Ottawa, Montreal andQuebec City.
People grow fat on publicly funded buffets while there isn’t enough money to get decent education, healthcare and even proper nutrition for our people. Why can’t they admit the horrendous reality of what they’ve done? What can we do to stop them? Why do these people feel that they can lie to and manipulate us? They’re worried about silly nicknames? I am sorry, this is no kid’s party.
We are real people that the bureaucracy is trying to trample into the ground by using our own resources they’ve stolen. How low on the UN scale do we have to live before Canadian politicians and Indian Affairs stop yawning? They cannot admit to themselves how disgusting and vile their actions are. They stand behind guns that are pointed at us, manipulate the media and sabotage our right to freedom of speech, while they down more martinis and tranquilizers. There’s nothing charming about poverty. There’s nothing charming about the misuse of our funds. There is nothing charming about Cam Mackie walking around with a T-shirt announcing that it is open season on our young people.
We’d be interested in hearing from our so-called “elected leaders” without the crutch of their spin doctors and public relations firms. They should be tried in open court, just like we are when we try to exercise our traditional sovereign rights that we have never given up. Steven Bonspille, Ghislain Picard and Phil Fontaine, get out of the way! Your genocidal services are not required.
Kahentinetha Horn
MNNN “Muzzled” Mohawk Nation News [for now] In the meantime, we are in the process of retrieving our “abducted” website. Please contact us: Kahentinetha2@yahoo.com, Katenies20@yahoo.com
By Kahentinetha Horn
Mohawk Nation News
Jan. 30, 2008. The gross corruption revealed in “Access to Information” documents from Public Security and Emergency Preparedness Canada and Indian Affairs has not made the front pages of the corporate media. [Dossier No. 1336-A-2006-0034]. Instead they’ve temporarily sabotaged MNN. It appears to now be owned by 1599754 Ontario Limited!! How could this happen? How could we lose ownership of our website without our knowledge or consent.
Ernie Hilts, the website host, at 705-429-4792 email ernie@9thdegree.biz won’t answer our calls or emails, that I never gave up ownership of my website. We can’t think of anyone who would have a motivation for doing this. [“Canada’s “Indian Affairs” financed war machine to attack Mohawks on Jan. 12, 2004” – Jan. 27, 2008].
We know that the Canadian government is riddled with corruption. They aren’t as careful to cover their tracks because they don’t see us as people. They think we are powerless, have no voice and are blind. They have secret meeting about us.
We have no rights. They can plan to deprive us or even kill us.
The people written about are objecting to the nicknames we gave them, such as “ambulance chaser” and “turn coat”. They are not denying the factual substance of the information found in the documents we reviewed. None have expressed any concern for those who are suffering from poverty, poor health, inferior education and unemployment because they are withholding or diverting our funds.
None have called for an investigation. No criminal charges have been laid. This proves that Canada does not live by the rule of law. To them, as long as something is authorized by someone higher up, it’s legal even if it’s in blatant violation of their legal mandate set out for them by the laws passed by Parliament. Back in 1978 when I was working for Indian Affairs in Ottawa, the Assistant Deputy Minister, Cam Mackie, had a Christmas party in his swank spacious office on the 21st floor. No Indians were invited.
A fellow non-native employee invited me to go up there. Cam Mackie was walking around wearing a t-shirt with the message, “Let’s have an Indian Affair”. Honest to goodness! It was supposed to be a joke. Just reading it felt like a knife right in my gut. I was terrified for the future of my three little girls.
How could I protect them as a single mother and a native woman?
“You are disgusting”, I said and went home to protect my little ones. My fear was real. Indigenous women are still being victimized. 500 are missing and not investigated. Everyone knew that it was open season on young native girls like Betty Osborne who had been raped and killed by four non-native young men. Everyone in the community knew. Nobody did a thing.
It went unpunished for almost 20 years.
Here was sanction of the abuse of Indigenous people from the highest level.
Closer to hand, it was open season on young native boys.
Kevin White, a Cree, was dying of AIDS contracted through association with Indian Affairs and high government homosexuals. [“Where Eagles Dare to Soar – Indians, Politics and AIDS”]. Not to mention the “Starlight Tours” in Saskatchewan where police left our young boys about 30 miles out of the city to perish in the freezing cold.
This abuse of our young people cannot happen without the express complicity of the colonial hierarchy. When water goes down the toilet, it’s a sick maelstrom that sucks in a lot of people. Those who betrayed the Mohawks of Kanehsateke may have started out with good intentions. They get into the momentum, forget to take a stand when necessary and try to drag us down with them.
They fell under the Svengali spell and started selling land like La Trappe without the people’s consent, negotiated away the beach or supported political manipulations with lawyers, third party managers, compliant band councils, and allowed the same law firm to represent the colonial government, the church and the Indigenous people. What a party they must be having with three major funding sources.
These people are shocked to see themselves exposed.
Perhaps they were so entranced by their access to foreign colonial power and the promises that they thought they were doing the people a favor by making decisions without our consent and taking part in these manipulations behind our backs. Or just sitting there and doing nothing. No one can complain they weren’t interviewed when it’s all there in black and white. Were we interviewed before they signed away our rights?
What makes them think they can trash the democratic principles of rule by the people and think they are above everyone else? Once elected, forget about us! The conference calls, discussions and reports in the documents were pure sleaze. Those involved knew they were hurting us. We invite them to publish the full text on the internet without their spin doctors slanting it and lawyers burying the news. They’ve become props for outright dictators. They planned, schemed and sat there idly while our communities go without basic necessities like clean water, decent food and housing. They’ve diverted our funds to hire armed forces, manipulate the media and oppress and attack us.
It appears to be okay to call us “squaws”, “wagon burners” or “welfare bums”. It’s not okay to call an “elected official” who betrays his people a “turncoat” or a lawyer who to tries to profit from our misfortune an “ambulance chaser”.
They say if we had all the facts we would find that the nicknames are wrong. As far as MNN is concerned, they could be worse! Hey wait a minute! How could we get to “know all the facts” when the meetings are all secret or behind closed doors? If government was open and transparent the way it’s supposed to be in a society that supposed to treat everyone equally, we might find out more about this shocking abuse of governmental process and misspending of our money. Why hasn’t anyone been criminally charged for misappropriation of funds and for exceeding their authority or fraud?
Why were people in Kanehsatake jailed for objecting to the attack made on us by a paramilitary force paid with money diverted from our health care, education and social programs? Some of our communities are within spitting distance of the glitz and glamour lived by high public officials in Ottawa, Montreal andQuebec City.
People grow fat on publicly funded buffets while there isn’t enough money to get decent education, healthcare and even proper nutrition for our people. Why can’t they admit the horrendous reality of what they’ve done? What can we do to stop them? Why do these people feel that they can lie to and manipulate us? They’re worried about silly nicknames? I am sorry, this is no kid’s party.
We are real people that the bureaucracy is trying to trample into the ground by using our own resources they’ve stolen. How low on the UN scale do we have to live before Canadian politicians and Indian Affairs stop yawning? They cannot admit to themselves how disgusting and vile their actions are. They stand behind guns that are pointed at us, manipulate the media and sabotage our right to freedom of speech, while they down more martinis and tranquilizers. There’s nothing charming about poverty. There’s nothing charming about the misuse of our funds. There is nothing charming about Cam Mackie walking around with a T-shirt announcing that it is open season on our young people.
We’d be interested in hearing from our so-called “elected leaders” without the crutch of their spin doctors and public relations firms. They should be tried in open court, just like we are when we try to exercise our traditional sovereign rights that we have never given up. Steven Bonspille, Ghislain Picard and Phil Fontaine, get out of the way! Your genocidal services are not required.
Kahentinetha Horn
MNNN “Muzzled” Mohawk Nation News [for now] In the meantime, we are in the process of retrieving our “abducted” website. Please contact us: Kahentinetha2@yahoo.com, Katenies20@yahoo.com
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Republic of Lakotah answers questions

on: January 26, 2008, 02:35:41 PM
From the online Lakotah Republic Forum
This is a response to an email sent to the webmaster from Pokey from the Rosebud Reservation. January 25, 2008
Response: Dear Pokey, Russell Means has asked me to respond to your letter. I will do my best. Some of the responses, particularly the ones with exclamation marks, are direct quotes from Russell. I have regrouped some of your points to address them together.
Best, Jerry Collette
Interim Attorney General Provisional Government
QUESTION: The Lakota leaders rejected the Lakotah Freedom Delegation's proposal. We are NOT part of what Russell Means is trying to do. There has been rejection statements in the news papers from our leaders.
Response: British colonial government leaders rejected the proposal by the American colonists to declare their independence. They were not part of what the signers of the Declaration of Independence were trying to do. There were rejection statements in the newspapers from the colonial governors appointed by the Crown.
QUESTION: Russell Means even read to us a letter of rejection form his own tribe. Russell read the letter from the Indian administrators (who have the full authority to administer US government Indian policies and nothing else) because their letter detailed gross treaty violations by the US.
Response: These “leaders” see the same problems as the freedom seekers do, but they still believe in the treaties. Do they still believe in the Tooth Fairy, too?
QUESTION: He didn't ask the Lakota people or our leaders about this before he started. It hasn't been brought to our Elders or any other of our people beforehand.
Response: In 1974, the first International TREATY Conference at Wakpala on the Standing Rock Sioux Indian reservation in what is now called South Dakota was where the Declaration of Continuing Independence was created. (The full text of the Declaration is available at http://republicoflakotah.com/docs/declarationofcontinuingindependence.pdf) The conference was attended by numerous elders. These were not your ordinary elders; most of them were born to parents who had been born free, they had never been to schools, and they spoke little or no English. These elders gave Russell and the younger participants two mandates. The first mandate was to become recognized by the International Communities. On September 2007, when the United Nations passed the Declaration of Indigenous Rights, that mandate was fulfilled. The second mandate is to return to our original status as free and Independent Nations. On December 17, 2007, the Lakotah Freedom Delegation notified the Department of State of the United States of America, we are unilaterally withdrawing from all Treaties and Agreements entered into between the United States of America and Lakotah. Before going to Washington, Russell traveled all over the five state area meeting with key people over a seven month period. Russell is now in his sixty-ninth winter, and has been working on achieving better conditions for the Indian people for over forty years. He is an elder!
QUESTION: Smoky and I went to the meeting in St. Francis and we left about 3:00 because what he was saying just wouldn't work the way he thinks it would.
Response: You left before the best part. The closing ceremony was amazing.
QUESTION: Here's some questions you might ask him. 1. If we are no longer part of the US how will we support our people? We wouldn't be able to get US Grants anymore either. We are having a hard enough time now even with the government programs and grants! We don't have any kind of industry, all the government programs we have now will stop because they are part of the treaties and US government.
Response: The US government has done a tremendous job of training Lakotah people to be dependent. We are now in a transition period, during which those programs continue while we reestablish our independence. This was done in the Compacts of Free Association that the US government did when the former Trust Territories of the Pacific, the Republic of the Marshall Islands, the Republic of Palau, and the Federated States of Micronesia, reestablished their sovereignty and freedom.
QUESTION: 2. Where will our communications systems come from ? We don't have any of our own companies. 9. Will we have to import all our food and goods which will make prices sky rocket way out of our ability to pay ? What will we do if > companies that have what we need don't want to have anything to do with us now that we have our own money system ?
Response: Companies will trade. That is what they do. Prices tend to be lower in countries with less regulations. For example, identical prescription drugs are as much as ninety percent cheaper in other countries as they are in the US. This is because the US has so many laws that the Lakotah people do not need. Industry is flocking to invest here since we have reasserted our sovereignty. Investors like free countries. Their money return is faster and greater. Check out the investment that happened in the eastern European countries after they became free from the Soviet Union! Other countries, like East Timor, etc., have had similar investment booms.
QUESTION: 3 What kind of money system will we have ? What do we have to back it up with ? No one is going to put their money in our banks, with out some kind of interest or returns, and say ok here do what you want to with it. Will our money be excepted every place we want to spend it ?
Response: We expect that there will be many money systems. Some people will still use US dollars. We also plan to have our own currency, which will be backed by gold and silver. We have people from all over the world interested in this because, unlike the US dollar and all other governments currencies, ours will be backed by real value, not just printed up whenever the central bankers decide, like the US dollar, etc.
QUESTION: 4. How will we defend ourselves ? We don't have any Peaceful in place nor weapons of any kind. You know everyone even the US will be at war with us trying to over throw our government. If they succeed we would really lose everything including the treaties. Sure these other countries would bring weapons and someone that knows how to use them and help us defend our country, they want a piece of the pie too.
Response: Who's kidding who here ? The US is not our enemy, and they have no reason to attack us. Costa Rica has no Peaceful . The US has brainwashed its people that it needs a global Peaceful presence and taxes them like mad to fund it. We will not follow such a folly. Everything we are doing is lawful and legal! We are following US laws and international laws. We will never have to expend anyone else's money so we can have an army. We do not need one!
QUESTION: 5. What utilities will we have ? Where will they come from ? How will we pay for it ? 6. What do we have as far as postal services? 7. Passports, visa's, paying duty ? Mission, S.D. isn't part of the Rez. Will we need a passport and visa to go shopping and pay duty on the goods we buy there ? Will they accept our form of money and will we have to pay extra like Canada and other countries do ? Will we have to have a visa to go to Antelope, Winner, Valentine ? We'd have to go through Mission to go to these places. Will friends and families that don't live here have to go through all this to come visit us ? My grand-daughter and great-grand daughter live in Mission. We live in Rosebud 10 miles from Mission. 10. What about all the medical and other people providing services we need that aren't Indian ? Will they have to have passports, visa's and work permits ? What about their friends and family that want to come visit them from outside of our country but live with in the U S ? 11. What would become of all the money that was paid into Social Security. I know the SS wouldn't give it all back to the people that > paid into it all during their working years.
Response: Transitions for all these kinds of things have been done before elsewhere. There are experts who know how to do this, and they will help us, too. Already we have doctors, lawyers, engineers of all types, skilled workers, teachers, etc, etc. etc., emailing us wanting to come to a free country! When you are truly free, you don't have time to complain!
QUESTION: 8. Will we still have tribal presidents or will we have one > president to run our country like the other countries do ? Would we have a president or a dictator ? If we couldn't vote on a president, we'd have a dictator wouldn't we. 12. What laws will we have ? Who will determine what they are ? Who will enforce them ? 13. What foreign policies will we have ? Who will determined what they are ? Will the people have anything to say about it.
Response: We are only the provisional government; we are serving as midwives for the rebirth of the Lakotah as a free people. The Lakotah people will decide on their own form of government. Remember, we are not starting from scratch. Before the white man came, Indians governed themselves freely for thousands of years. The white man used the Indian model to create the United States Constitution.
QUESTION: 14. Exactly where would our country be located ? Would it be all the 5 states or just one ? And which one would it be if it was just one ? The map you see represents the 1851 treaty boundaries, but our traditional lands go beyond that. The exact boundaries are yet to be determined. We are not waiving any claims to our traditional lands. 15. No taxes? If we don't have to pay taxes who will pay for all the stuff that the taxes pay for now, like roads, schools, jails, our government workers, and all the other things it pays for ? We can't spin gold out of straw.
Response: We expect that there will be local taxes, but not national ones. The local governments will support the national government. We are not expecting to have huge governments. Free people do not need them. They do not work, anyway. We have seen that.
QUESTION: If we was to be part of this he would have to come up with some better ideas on how things was to be done and take it to the people and find out if that's what everyone wants. 16. Why wasn't this brought to a vote by the people ? No one has the right to speak for all of us with out our consent. Even our tribal presidents don't have the right to give the ok with out asking us how we feel about something like this and giving us a chance to vote on it. I am an enrolled member and I'm an Elder but no one said any thing to me, the first I heard of this is when someone from Ohio asked me about it in an E-Mail. All the Elders I asked about it said they didn't hear anything about it either.
RESPONSE: We came to a treaty meeting on Rosebud (at St. Francis) before we went to DC. Then, we had the meeting at Rosebud after we came back, part of which you even attended. We are having more meetings; we just had one at Standing Rock last weekend, we are having one at Yankton this weekend, and we are scheduling one for Rapid City. We will also be posting more info on the website as things develop.
QUESTION: Even our tribal President didn't know.
Response: We did not ask the permission of the US authorities disguised as tribal leaders. They like the existing system. They are in power, and they get to keep that power by begging to Washington for crumbs for our people. Then, eighty-three cents of every dollar they get from Washington goes to administration, and seventeen cents ends up passing through the reservation briefly on its way back to the white man's corporations.
QUESTION: Please excuse all the questions but these are all issues that would have to be addressed in a satisfactory way before we would even consider being our own separate country in the middle of the U S. They will all be addressed during the transition period. The United States has not left yet. If Russell Means really wanted to do something worth while, why don't he petition the US Government to honor the treaties instead of trying to start a war that every one knows we will lose and our country would be taken over with out any treaties or anything else and we would be a lot worse off than we are right now.
Response: Russell has been working for over forty years to get the US to honor its treaties. There will be no war with the US. Do you really believe the US people will allow their government to bomb us? We can count on things getting worse if we continue under US domination.
QUESTION: Every one here on the Rosebud Reservation tell me Russell is just trying to fill his pockets at the expense of our people.
Response: Out of his concern for his people, Russell is paying a lot of his own money to do this. However, a rising tide does raise all the ships in the harbor. With freedom and economic prosperity in Lakotah, we will all do better. Does anybody expect our situation to improve much under the current system? You know that everything has gotten worse during your lifetime. Wake up and smell the coffee!
QUESTION: Sooner or later every one will know he's just making a fool of himself, well if it was just himself I would just laugh along with every one else but he's making the Lakotah look like fools right along with himself! Russell admits that he was foolish to believe in the treaties for as long as he did, but does not fault the Lakotah people who still believe in them. By the way some one needs to teach Russell how to spell Lakota, there's no "h" at the end of Lakota !
Response: You are free to spell it the white man's way if you prefer.
Monday, January 28, 2008
Canada's 'Indian Affairs' Financed War Machine to Attack Kanehsatake Mohawks
Mohawk Nation News
Jan. 27th 2008. Government documents received through
an “Access to Information” request prove that the attack on peaceful
Kanehsatake Mohawks by a heavily armed 67-man paramilitary
force was planned, financed and implemented by Indian Affairs,
Solicitor General’s Office and the Prime Minister’s Office of Ottawa.
The documents reveal that the initial lay out of over $900,000 was
illegally provided by Indian Affairs to Public Safety and Emergency
Preparedness for this coup. [PSEPC Code 0880; Ref. Code
5000020336]. The documents show that a total of $40 million was
spent on this attack. [$20 million from Canada and $20 million from
Quebec.] Secret bi-lateral agreements between Canada and Quebec
laid out funding arrangements. Canada was to provide 52% and
Quebec 48% of the policing funds.
Indian Affairs has no authority in policing. It was strictly illegal –
a blatant violation of Canadian law and a misappropriation of
Indigenous resources and Canadian taxpayers’ dollars at a time,
when many Indigenous communities are suffering from third world
conditions, without even clean water to drink. Despite the huge
number of blanks where crucial information was “whited-out” from
the documents, it was still possible to piece together the ghoulish
story that’s going to haunt the corporate government players to
their graves.
To set it up, the culprits, Indian affairs, appointed a third party
manager, PriceWaterhouseCoopers [who were allegedly paid over
$1.5 million a year in fees over several years], to divert Kanehsatake
community funds towards this phony ‘coup d’etat’ [MCK &
Minister No. 186-2004-00069].
In a March 24, 2005 memo for the Deputy Minister of PSEPC, Chantal
“Public-Wrong” Bernier, the Assistant Deputy Minister, pointed out
that diversion of funds was “illegal” but went ahead and signed the
authority anyway, “because the Privy Council Office and Treasury
Board recognized their authority in the fall of 2003”. The first check
was recorded by PWC as having been cut in July 2003. [Denise
Charron PSEPC Aboriginal Policing Directorate].
As there was no way for Indian Affairs to fund such a “military”
attack of Indigenous people, Indian Affairs made the first payment
to get it started. They diverted money out of core funding for
Kanehsatake into cars, weaponry, bullets, hotels, meals and
everything needed for their hired “mercenaries” to play their
lethal game. Their mission was to take down the Police Commission,
the police force, the cigarette trade, take over the police station and
council house and to bring the Mohawks into submission. They
were instructed to protect James Gabriel’s four chiefs. They had a
“hit list” of Mohawks who were to be taken down “on sight”.
Whatever happened to Canada’s boasting about the “rule of law”?
Canada abrogated the “death penalty” years ago. These executions
appear to have been ordered and approved at the highest levels of
the Canadian government.
This operation was given a blank check by Indian Affairs, Public
Safety & Emergency Preparedness, Treasury Board and the Privy
Council Office under the guidance of the Prime Minister’s Office.
Kanehsatake was kept as a separate file, directly under the Prime
Ministers, first, Jean Chretien [now of Heenan Blaikie] and then
Paul Martin.
The man in charge was Eric “Alter Boy” Maldoff, of Heenan Blaikie,
Chief Federal Negotiator for Canada “with” Kanehsatake, according
to his own website. In a Question Period Note, by Jean Chartrand
& David Hallman, of Aboriginal Policing Directorate, dated May 30th
2005, they referred to a television report aired on Radio Canada on
May 27 2005, “Chief Mediator, Eric Maldoff, appointed in 1995 by then
Prime Minister, Jean Chretien, received $429,248 last year alone”.
They went on to state that, “Mr. Maldof would have received more
than $2 million for his services. Ten years later, Kanehsatake is still
on the “front pages” of the written press”. A reliable source stated
that in 2003 and 2004 Maldoff was making $1.5 million a year from
Kanehsatake funds.
On the 13th January 2005 there was a conference call of the “Federal
Working Group on Kanehsatake”. Present for Indian Affairs were Eric
Maldoff, Walter “Wailing Wall” Walling, Christian “Lucifer” Rouleau,
Andre “Turn” Cote, Stuart “Swan Song” Swanson and Paul “Shoots-
First-Asks-Questions-Later” Leblanc; for PSEPC it was Jean
“Trashes-Human-Rights” Chartrand; and for the Privy Council
Office it was Yvan “Tag-Along-and-Say-Yes” Dery.
This was followed by Assembly of First Nations [a colonial
government invention], Ghyslain “Flaunts-His-Low-Self-Esteem”
Picard, who requested that he, Steven “Mutant” Bonspille and James
“How-High-Do-You-Want-Me-to-Jump” Gabriel [the corrupt grand
chief of Kanehsatake], have a meeting. Stephen Bonspille had been a
“dissident” with Pearl Bonspille and John Harding trying to stop
the band council-colonial government corruption. Did somebody
make him an offer he could not refuse? He’s the only one who
turned his coat.
Ghislain wanted to broker the forthcoming election that took
place in June 2005. Why were police dollars being used to run
an election? Everyone knew that the government’s “point man”,
James Gabriel, could not win. He was a dud for his stupidity,
his depravity and his partnership with a convicted criminal wanted
all over Ontario. He was a soft hot potato! Even so, James’ legal
fees of over $1 million and Communications Strategy of $250,000
was paid by the government [Chartrand, Hallman, Question
Period Note APD May 30, 2005]. Quebec wanted Stephen Bonspille
in. The election got rigged so that Stephen Bonspille and the six
James Gabriel “groupies” would win. Everyone knew it was
Before the election, Stephen Bonspille, John Harding and Pearl
Bonspille filed a $90 million suit [T-436-04]. Stevie “No Wonder”
Reynolds just happen to walk in to do it all “pro bono”. It looks
like Stevie’s handlers do not want this to go to trial. [Annik
“How-Much-More-Pain-Can-We-Put-On-the-Mohawks” Pelletier
of Justice Canada, to Martin “If-This-Keeps-Up-We’ll-Have-to-
Resort-to-Water-Boarding” Reiher, April 7/05].
On January 11th 2008, Pearl took a trip to Ottawa to make sure
the disclosures go in and no side deals are cut.
Chantal “Spits-at-the-Law” Bernier of PSEPC reported to Sheila
“I-Forgot-to-Wear-My-Glasses-When-I-Looked-at-that” Fraser,
the Auditor General of Canada, that vehicles were illegally
purchased with band funds. Sheila “Suddenly-Remembered”
that it was not in her mandate and referred Bernier to “National
Allegations and Complaints Coordinator of Indian Affairs”- the
very foxes who were stealing the eggs from the chicken house!
[Jan. 11, 2006, Bernier to Fraser].
How does a criminal organization operate? There is a “handler”
way up there somewhere, controlling all the “assets” or
underlings, who go out and do the dirty work. In this case, it
looks like Eric Maldoff of Heenan Blaikie, which are also the legal
counsel for the Sulpicians who are in a big land dispute with the
Mohawks of Kanehsatake. [Hey, guys! Haven’t you ever heard
of conflict of interest?]
Maldoff coordinates all this wickedness from the Prime Minister’s
Office. The assets are trained and controlled by their “handlers”.
It’s the old colonial hierarchy corruption of moral principles
system. He has “spotters” in Indian Affairs, PSEPC, Treasury
Board and other departments who get orders from him and
report back to him.
The Assembly of First Nations and band councils are another
set of “assets”. In Kanehsatake his assets would be James
Gabriel, Stephen Bonspille and others.
When Steven got into office as the new Grand Chief, he did not
appear to be doing any work. He never had any portfolios. He
just sat there and collected a pay check. That was the deal. In
the meantime, the real asset is James Gabriel who stays behind
the curtain and gets his strings pulled by Eric Maldoff. All these
assets are real liabilities for the real people, the Ongwehonwe.
These documents reveal that there was a master plan to take
us out. They will do anything, especially if it’s confusing. It
doesn’t bother them one little bit if it’s criminal. Why should it?
They’ve got the fix in with the PMO and the Justice Department.
So anyone who thinks they can get a straight deal from
Canadian courts is dreaming. As far as we can see, this plan
is still in effect, by hook or by a lot of crooks. The Kanehsatake
land claim is a farce, especially when Heenan Blaikie sits on all
There is presently a forensic audit being conducted on all of
the perpetrators – PWC, co-managers Hartal of Ottawa, the
Kanehsatake band council, Eric Maldoff [of Heenan Blaikie],
Indian Affairs [Andre Cote, Walter Walling and Pierre Nepton
of Indian Affairs in Quebec], Solicitor General’s Office [David
Hallman, now at Economic Development, Indian Affairs], the
Prime Minister’s Office, Ryan W. Mansour, Policy Advisor,
Quebec Caucus, to name a few.
The forensic audit addresses a crying need. The whole
infrastructure dealing with Ongwehonwe is so horrendously
corrupt that a band aid is not going to fix it. What do you
think? With so much corruption, is there a chance for us?
Kahentinetha Horn
MNN Mohawk Nation News
-PriceWaterhouseCoopers, [the Nazi “Farben” of
-Gilles “Turd-Party-Bean-Counter” Gagnon of PWC,
-Jacques “Former-Inspector-Clouseau” Chagnon,
Quebec Public Security
-Chantal “Who-had-a-dirty-hand-in-everything” Bernier,
-Eric “Who-Drives-the-Blunder-Bus” Maldoff,
Heenan Blaikie, emaldoff@heenan.ca 514-846-2249
-Ryan W. “Sour Man” Mansour, Policy Advisor,
Quebec Caucus Liaison, Office of Deputy Prime
Minister and Minister of PSEPC, 613-991-2924
-Stephen “Castratto” Bonspille onahsakenrat@yahoo.ca
-Margaret “Trying-to-Suck-Indian-Blood” Bloodworth, a
big player, ADM PSEPC
-Walter “Whose-Billy-Club-has-been-taken-away”
Walling, wallingw@ainc-inac.gc.ca; also known as
Walter “Wall-Street” Walling for being the first “bag
man” sent into Kanehsatake
-Christian “Anti-Christ” Rouleau,
-Andre “Turn” Cote, cote.a@ainc-inac.gc.ca
-Stuart “Swan Song” Swanson,
-David “Economic-Hit-Man” Hallman,
DG Economic Development, Indian Affairs
david.hallman@psepc-sppcc.gc.ca 819-953-0517
-Paul “The White Man” Leblanc,
-Jean “Lapse-of-Selected-Memory” Chartrand,
jean.chartrand@psepc-sppcc.gc.ca 613-990-8470
-Yvan “Who-Maintains-Toilet-Supplies” Dery, for
Privy Council Office ydery@pco-bcp.gc.ca
-Stephen “Here’s-My-Card” Reynolds,
-Annik “The Squeak” Pelletier, of Justice
Canada apelleti@justice.gc.ca
-Denise “Who-was-in-there-like-a-dirty-shirt” Charron,
denise.charron@SPEPC-SPPCC.gc.ca 613-991-1694
-Sylvia “Ambulance-Chaser” McKenzie, legal counsel,
Justice Canada Sylvia.mackenzie@sppcc-psepc.gc.ca
-Gilles “Pig-Shop-Keeper” Rochon, DG Aboriginal
Policing Directorate gilles.rochon@psepc.gc.ca
-Zuwena “Squeal” Robidas, mouthpiece,
zuwena.robidas@psepc-sppcc.gc.ca 613-993-2596
-Helene “Parrot” Philippe, Indian Affairs mouthpiece,
-Emanuel “Little-Lamb” Chabot, Public Affairs &
Emergency Preparedness,
emmanuel.chabot@psepc-sppcc.gc.ca 613-990-4353
-“Slippery” Jim Beaver jim.beaver@psepc-sppcc.gc.ca
-Peter “Flat-Foot” Fisher, Police Services PSEPC,
fax 613-991-0961
-Louise “Who-doesn’t-know-the-half-of-it” Savage,
-Louis-Alexandre “Who-Sits-On-a-Very-High-Chair”
-Guay, Justice Canada, lguay@justice.gc.ca
-Ghyslain “Gestapo” Picard, AFN, Quebec. reception@afn.ca
See “KANEHSATAKE” www.mohawknationnews.com
New MNN Books Available Now!
The books below, email us:
Mohawk Warriors Three - The Trial of Lasagna, Noriega, 20/20$20.00 usd
The On-Going Confusion between The Great Law and The Handsome Lake Code$20.00 usd
The Agonizing Death of "Colonialism" and "Federal Indian Law" in Kaianere'ko:wa/Great Law Territory
$20.00 usd
Who's Sorry Now? The good, the bad and the unapologetic Mohawks of Kanehsatake
$20.00 usd
Rebuilding the Iroquois ConfederacyKaroniaktajeh$10 usd
Warriors Hand BookKaroniaktajeh$10 usd
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Mohawk Nation News
Jan. 27th 2008. Government documents received through
an “Access to Information” request prove that the attack on peaceful
Kanehsatake Mohawks by a heavily armed 67-man paramilitary
force was planned, financed and implemented by Indian Affairs,
Solicitor General’s Office and the Prime Minister’s Office of Ottawa.
The documents reveal that the initial lay out of over $900,000 was
illegally provided by Indian Affairs to Public Safety and Emergency
Preparedness for this coup. [PSEPC Code 0880; Ref. Code
5000020336]. The documents show that a total of $40 million was
spent on this attack. [$20 million from Canada and $20 million from
Quebec.] Secret bi-lateral agreements between Canada and Quebec
laid out funding arrangements. Canada was to provide 52% and
Quebec 48% of the policing funds.
Indian Affairs has no authority in policing. It was strictly illegal –
a blatant violation of Canadian law and a misappropriation of
Indigenous resources and Canadian taxpayers’ dollars at a time,
when many Indigenous communities are suffering from third world
conditions, without even clean water to drink. Despite the huge
number of blanks where crucial information was “whited-out” from
the documents, it was still possible to piece together the ghoulish
story that’s going to haunt the corporate government players to
their graves.
To set it up, the culprits, Indian affairs, appointed a third party
manager, PriceWaterhouseCoopers [who were allegedly paid over
$1.5 million a year in fees over several years], to divert Kanehsatake
community funds towards this phony ‘coup d’etat’ [MCK &
Minister No. 186-2004-00069].
In a March 24, 2005 memo for the Deputy Minister of PSEPC, Chantal
“Public-Wrong” Bernier, the Assistant Deputy Minister, pointed out
that diversion of funds was “illegal” but went ahead and signed the
authority anyway, “because the Privy Council Office and Treasury
Board recognized their authority in the fall of 2003”. The first check
was recorded by PWC as having been cut in July 2003. [Denise
Charron PSEPC Aboriginal Policing Directorate].
As there was no way for Indian Affairs to fund such a “military”
attack of Indigenous people, Indian Affairs made the first payment
to get it started. They diverted money out of core funding for
Kanehsatake into cars, weaponry, bullets, hotels, meals and
everything needed for their hired “mercenaries” to play their
lethal game. Their mission was to take down the Police Commission,
the police force, the cigarette trade, take over the police station and
council house and to bring the Mohawks into submission. They
were instructed to protect James Gabriel’s four chiefs. They had a
“hit list” of Mohawks who were to be taken down “on sight”.
Whatever happened to Canada’s boasting about the “rule of law”?
Canada abrogated the “death penalty” years ago. These executions
appear to have been ordered and approved at the highest levels of
the Canadian government.
This operation was given a blank check by Indian Affairs, Public
Safety & Emergency Preparedness, Treasury Board and the Privy
Council Office under the guidance of the Prime Minister’s Office.
Kanehsatake was kept as a separate file, directly under the Prime
Ministers, first, Jean Chretien [now of Heenan Blaikie] and then
Paul Martin.
The man in charge was Eric “Alter Boy” Maldoff, of Heenan Blaikie,
Chief Federal Negotiator for Canada “with” Kanehsatake, according
to his own website. In a Question Period Note, by Jean Chartrand
& David Hallman, of Aboriginal Policing Directorate, dated May 30th
2005, they referred to a television report aired on Radio Canada on
May 27 2005, “Chief Mediator, Eric Maldoff, appointed in 1995 by then
Prime Minister, Jean Chretien, received $429,248 last year alone”.
They went on to state that, “Mr. Maldof would have received more
than $2 million for his services. Ten years later, Kanehsatake is still
on the “front pages” of the written press”. A reliable source stated
that in 2003 and 2004 Maldoff was making $1.5 million a year from
Kanehsatake funds.
On the 13th January 2005 there was a conference call of the “Federal
Working Group on Kanehsatake”. Present for Indian Affairs were Eric
Maldoff, Walter “Wailing Wall” Walling, Christian “Lucifer” Rouleau,
Andre “Turn” Cote, Stuart “Swan Song” Swanson and Paul “Shoots-
First-Asks-Questions-Later” Leblanc; for PSEPC it was Jean
“Trashes-Human-Rights” Chartrand; and for the Privy Council
Office it was Yvan “Tag-Along-and-Say-Yes” Dery.
This was followed by Assembly of First Nations [a colonial
government invention], Ghyslain “Flaunts-His-Low-Self-Esteem”
Picard, who requested that he, Steven “Mutant” Bonspille and James
“How-High-Do-You-Want-Me-to-Jump” Gabriel [the corrupt grand
chief of Kanehsatake], have a meeting. Stephen Bonspille had been a
“dissident” with Pearl Bonspille and John Harding trying to stop
the band council-colonial government corruption. Did somebody
make him an offer he could not refuse? He’s the only one who
turned his coat.
Ghislain wanted to broker the forthcoming election that took
place in June 2005. Why were police dollars being used to run
an election? Everyone knew that the government’s “point man”,
James Gabriel, could not win. He was a dud for his stupidity,
his depravity and his partnership with a convicted criminal wanted
all over Ontario. He was a soft hot potato! Even so, James’ legal
fees of over $1 million and Communications Strategy of $250,000
was paid by the government [Chartrand, Hallman, Question
Period Note APD May 30, 2005]. Quebec wanted Stephen Bonspille
in. The election got rigged so that Stephen Bonspille and the six
James Gabriel “groupies” would win. Everyone knew it was
Before the election, Stephen Bonspille, John Harding and Pearl
Bonspille filed a $90 million suit [T-436-04]. Stevie “No Wonder”
Reynolds just happen to walk in to do it all “pro bono”. It looks
like Stevie’s handlers do not want this to go to trial. [Annik
“How-Much-More-Pain-Can-We-Put-On-the-Mohawks” Pelletier
of Justice Canada, to Martin “If-This-Keeps-Up-We’ll-Have-to-
Resort-to-Water-Boarding” Reiher, April 7/05].
On January 11th 2008, Pearl took a trip to Ottawa to make sure
the disclosures go in and no side deals are cut.
Chantal “Spits-at-the-Law” Bernier of PSEPC reported to Sheila
“I-Forgot-to-Wear-My-Glasses-When-I-Looked-at-that” Fraser,
the Auditor General of Canada, that vehicles were illegally
purchased with band funds. Sheila “Suddenly-Remembered”
that it was not in her mandate and referred Bernier to “National
Allegations and Complaints Coordinator of Indian Affairs”- the
very foxes who were stealing the eggs from the chicken house!
[Jan. 11, 2006, Bernier to Fraser].
How does a criminal organization operate? There is a “handler”
way up there somewhere, controlling all the “assets” or
underlings, who go out and do the dirty work. In this case, it
looks like Eric Maldoff of Heenan Blaikie, which are also the legal
counsel for the Sulpicians who are in a big land dispute with the
Mohawks of Kanehsatake. [Hey, guys! Haven’t you ever heard
of conflict of interest?]
Maldoff coordinates all this wickedness from the Prime Minister’s
Office. The assets are trained and controlled by their “handlers”.
It’s the old colonial hierarchy corruption of moral principles
system. He has “spotters” in Indian Affairs, PSEPC, Treasury
Board and other departments who get orders from him and
report back to him.
The Assembly of First Nations and band councils are another
set of “assets”. In Kanehsatake his assets would be James
Gabriel, Stephen Bonspille and others.
When Steven got into office as the new Grand Chief, he did not
appear to be doing any work. He never had any portfolios. He
just sat there and collected a pay check. That was the deal. In
the meantime, the real asset is James Gabriel who stays behind
the curtain and gets his strings pulled by Eric Maldoff. All these
assets are real liabilities for the real people, the Ongwehonwe.
These documents reveal that there was a master plan to take
us out. They will do anything, especially if it’s confusing. It
doesn’t bother them one little bit if it’s criminal. Why should it?
They’ve got the fix in with the PMO and the Justice Department.
So anyone who thinks they can get a straight deal from
Canadian courts is dreaming. As far as we can see, this plan
is still in effect, by hook or by a lot of crooks. The Kanehsatake
land claim is a farce, especially when Heenan Blaikie sits on all
There is presently a forensic audit being conducted on all of
the perpetrators – PWC, co-managers Hartal of Ottawa, the
Kanehsatake band council, Eric Maldoff [of Heenan Blaikie],
Indian Affairs [Andre Cote, Walter Walling and Pierre Nepton
of Indian Affairs in Quebec], Solicitor General’s Office [David
Hallman, now at Economic Development, Indian Affairs], the
Prime Minister’s Office, Ryan W. Mansour, Policy Advisor,
Quebec Caucus, to name a few.
The forensic audit addresses a crying need. The whole
infrastructure dealing with Ongwehonwe is so horrendously
corrupt that a band aid is not going to fix it. What do you
think? With so much corruption, is there a chance for us?
Kahentinetha Horn
MNN Mohawk Nation News
-PriceWaterhouseCoopers, [the Nazi “Farben” of
-Gilles “Turd-Party-Bean-Counter” Gagnon of PWC,
-Jacques “Former-Inspector-Clouseau” Chagnon,
Quebec Public Security
-Chantal “Who-had-a-dirty-hand-in-everything” Bernier,
-Eric “Who-Drives-the-Blunder-Bus” Maldoff,
Heenan Blaikie, emaldoff@heenan.ca 514-846-2249
-Ryan W. “Sour Man” Mansour, Policy Advisor,
Quebec Caucus Liaison, Office of Deputy Prime
Minister and Minister of PSEPC, 613-991-2924
-Stephen “Castratto” Bonspille onahsakenrat@yahoo.ca
-Margaret “Trying-to-Suck-Indian-Blood” Bloodworth, a
big player, ADM PSEPC
-Walter “Whose-Billy-Club-has-been-taken-away”
Walling, wallingw@ainc-inac.gc.ca; also known as
Walter “Wall-Street” Walling for being the first “bag
man” sent into Kanehsatake
-Christian “Anti-Christ” Rouleau,
-Andre “Turn” Cote, cote.a@ainc-inac.gc.ca
-Stuart “Swan Song” Swanson,
-David “Economic-Hit-Man” Hallman,
DG Economic Development, Indian Affairs
david.hallman@psepc-sppcc.gc.ca 819-953-0517
-Paul “The White Man” Leblanc,
-Jean “Lapse-of-Selected-Memory” Chartrand,
jean.chartrand@psepc-sppcc.gc.ca 613-990-8470
-Yvan “Who-Maintains-Toilet-Supplies” Dery, for
Privy Council Office ydery@pco-bcp.gc.ca
-Stephen “Here’s-My-Card” Reynolds,
-Annik “The Squeak” Pelletier, of Justice
Canada apelleti@justice.gc.ca
-Denise “Who-was-in-there-like-a-dirty-shirt” Charron,
denise.charron@SPEPC-SPPCC.gc.ca 613-991-1694
-Sylvia “Ambulance-Chaser” McKenzie, legal counsel,
Justice Canada Sylvia.mackenzie@sppcc-psepc.gc.ca
-Gilles “Pig-Shop-Keeper” Rochon, DG Aboriginal
Policing Directorate gilles.rochon@psepc.gc.ca
-Zuwena “Squeal” Robidas, mouthpiece,
zuwena.robidas@psepc-sppcc.gc.ca 613-993-2596
-Helene “Parrot” Philippe, Indian Affairs mouthpiece,
-Emanuel “Little-Lamb” Chabot, Public Affairs &
Emergency Preparedness,
emmanuel.chabot@psepc-sppcc.gc.ca 613-990-4353
-“Slippery” Jim Beaver jim.beaver@psepc-sppcc.gc.ca
-Peter “Flat-Foot” Fisher, Police Services PSEPC,
fax 613-991-0961
-Louise “Who-doesn’t-know-the-half-of-it” Savage,
-Louis-Alexandre “Who-Sits-On-a-Very-High-Chair”
-Guay, Justice Canada, lguay@justice.gc.ca
-Ghyslain “Gestapo” Picard, AFN, Quebec. reception@afn.ca
See “KANEHSATAKE” www.mohawknationnews.com
New MNN Books Available Now!
The books below, email us:
Mohawk Warriors Three - The Trial of Lasagna, Noriega, 20/20$20.00 usd
The On-Going Confusion between The Great Law and The Handsome Lake Code$20.00 usd
The Agonizing Death of "Colonialism" and "Federal Indian Law" in Kaianere'ko:wa/Great Law Territory
$20.00 usd
Who's Sorry Now? The good, the bad and the unapologetic Mohawks of Kanehsatake
$20.00 usd
Rebuilding the Iroquois ConfederacyKaroniaktajeh$10 usd
Warriors Hand BookKaroniaktajeh$10 usd
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Friday, January 25, 2008
Mohawk Nation News: Bulletin! 'Chief Doreen' negotiating Haudenosaunee Territory
Mohawk Nation News
Jan. 25, 2008. At 11.15 am. on Friday January 25,
2008, a Kahtihon’tia:kwenio [Woman Title Holder of the
Kanion’ke:haka], called “Algonquin” negotiator, Doreen
Davis, at 613-484-8868. She’s is purportedly representing
Shaabot Algonquins. When Doreen heard her voice, she
said, “I am in the middle of land claims settlement talks”
with Canada and Ontario of Mohawk land. Then she hung
up. The land in question is Haudenosaunee territory,
south of the Ottawa River .
As Mohawks we cannot speak for the Algonquins. Her
action is in obvious violation of international law because
it involves the disposition of her people’s sovereignty. It is
being conducted in secret, without their informed knowledge
or consent, contrary to standards that were established in
international law. Moreover, as members of the
Haudenosaunee people, we cannot understand why
Canada and Ontario are negotiating with the Algonquins
concerning our land.
Doreen Davis was left the following message on her cell
“We Kahtihon’tia;kwenio insist on the right of
Haudenosaunee and Algonquins to discuss our land
issues under international law. This means that there
has to be a fully informed discussion of the people with
all the information. There can be no “secret meetings”
with you, Canada and Ontario .
“What you, Doreen Davis, Canada and Ontario are
doing is totally illegitimate. You cannot have “closed”
meetings determining the future of our nations. Everyone
has a right to know that this is not Canadian or Algonquin
land. It is Haudenosaunee territory. Everybody is being
misled. The rights of Indigenous people are being
jeopardized. The secrecy of these negotiations is
perpetuating Canada ’s continued mis-education of its
citizens. Most Canadians don’t know that the colony of
Canada doesn’t own most of the land and resources it
“Doreen Davis, you are not in a position to negotiate
something that is non-negotiable. Canada , Ontario and
the Algonquins have to deal with us. If everything was
out in the open, Canadians would probably support us
as we are concerned for the environment and the coming
generations. Their colonial government has ignored this
since it first came here to wreak havoc. ”
Doreen Davis is putting out reports that “everything is
going just peachy”. She still hasn’t said when Frontenac
Ventures is planning to start drilling for uranium on
Haudenosaunee territory. These negotiations and drilling
cannot go on. They are illegal! They are all dangerous!
We are waiting to hear from our Algonquin allies through
formal channels as to why our long time alliance is being
ignored. Meanwhile, we are being contacted by many
Algonquin individuals who are alarmed by what is
happening. This suggests that whoever claims to
represent the Algonquin people does not really speak
for them.
In the meantime, Robert Lovelace, who is reportedly
negotiating on behalf of the Ardoch Algonquins, recently
tried to approach the mining site at Sharbot Lake , where
there is now heavy security. He said he was refused entry
by security. He was later told by Frontenac Ventures’
lawyer the reason is that, “We were accompanied by four
warriors who were possibly Mohawks and that we
demanded to be let in”.
We seem to be faced with a whole kettle full of rotten and
soon-to-be radioactive fish. What’s being created here?
It might have to do with defense, nuclear bomb making,
research and testing of equipment and scenarios. Such
companies as Allen Vanguard, Mining Resources
Engineering Limited MREL and their customers like the
Departments of National Defense of Canada and the U.S.
seem to have a lot at stake. One thing is certain, none of
the people concerned are being kept informed, not the
Haudenosaunee, not the Algonquins and not regular
Canadian citizens.
MNN Mohawk Nation News
See Category: “ Sharbot Lake ”
New MNN Books Available Now!
The books below, email us:
Mohawk Warriors Three - The Trial of Lasagna, Noriega, 20/20$20.00 usd
The On-Going Confusion between The Great Law and The Handsome Lake Code$20.00 usd
The Agonizing Death of "Colonialism" and "Federal Indian Law" in Kaianere'ko:wa/Great Law Territory
$20.00 usd
Who's Sorry Now? The good, the bad and the unapologetic Mohawks of Kanehsatake
$20.00 usd
Rebuilding the Iroquois ConfederacyKaroniaktajeh$10 usd
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Kahentinetha Horn
Speaking & Contemporary Native Issues Workshops
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Mohawk Nation News
Jan. 25, 2008. At 11.15 am. on Friday January 25,
2008, a Kahtihon’tia:kwenio [Woman Title Holder of the
Kanion’ke:haka], called “Algonquin” negotiator, Doreen
Davis, at 613-484-8868. She’s is purportedly representing
Shaabot Algonquins. When Doreen heard her voice, she
said, “I am in the middle of land claims settlement talks”
with Canada and Ontario of Mohawk land. Then she hung
up. The land in question is Haudenosaunee territory,
south of the Ottawa River .
As Mohawks we cannot speak for the Algonquins. Her
action is in obvious violation of international law because
it involves the disposition of her people’s sovereignty. It is
being conducted in secret, without their informed knowledge
or consent, contrary to standards that were established in
international law. Moreover, as members of the
Haudenosaunee people, we cannot understand why
Canada and Ontario are negotiating with the Algonquins
concerning our land.
Doreen Davis was left the following message on her cell
“We Kahtihon’tia;kwenio insist on the right of
Haudenosaunee and Algonquins to discuss our land
issues under international law. This means that there
has to be a fully informed discussion of the people with
all the information. There can be no “secret meetings”
with you, Canada and Ontario .
“What you, Doreen Davis, Canada and Ontario are
doing is totally illegitimate. You cannot have “closed”
meetings determining the future of our nations. Everyone
has a right to know that this is not Canadian or Algonquin
land. It is Haudenosaunee territory. Everybody is being
misled. The rights of Indigenous people are being
jeopardized. The secrecy of these negotiations is
perpetuating Canada ’s continued mis-education of its
citizens. Most Canadians don’t know that the colony of
Canada doesn’t own most of the land and resources it
“Doreen Davis, you are not in a position to negotiate
something that is non-negotiable. Canada , Ontario and
the Algonquins have to deal with us. If everything was
out in the open, Canadians would probably support us
as we are concerned for the environment and the coming
generations. Their colonial government has ignored this
since it first came here to wreak havoc. ”
Doreen Davis is putting out reports that “everything is
going just peachy”. She still hasn’t said when Frontenac
Ventures is planning to start drilling for uranium on
Haudenosaunee territory. These negotiations and drilling
cannot go on. They are illegal! They are all dangerous!
We are waiting to hear from our Algonquin allies through
formal channels as to why our long time alliance is being
ignored. Meanwhile, we are being contacted by many
Algonquin individuals who are alarmed by what is
happening. This suggests that whoever claims to
represent the Algonquin people does not really speak
for them.
In the meantime, Robert Lovelace, who is reportedly
negotiating on behalf of the Ardoch Algonquins, recently
tried to approach the mining site at Sharbot Lake , where
there is now heavy security. He said he was refused entry
by security. He was later told by Frontenac Ventures’
lawyer the reason is that, “We were accompanied by four
warriors who were possibly Mohawks and that we
demanded to be let in”.
We seem to be faced with a whole kettle full of rotten and
soon-to-be radioactive fish. What’s being created here?
It might have to do with defense, nuclear bomb making,
research and testing of equipment and scenarios. Such
companies as Allen Vanguard, Mining Resources
Engineering Limited MREL and their customers like the
Departments of National Defense of Canada and the U.S.
seem to have a lot at stake. One thing is certain, none of
the people concerned are being kept informed, not the
Haudenosaunee, not the Algonquins and not regular
Canadian citizens.
MNN Mohawk Nation News
See Category: “ Sharbot Lake ”
New MNN Books Available Now!
The books below, email us:
Mohawk Warriors Three - The Trial of Lasagna, Noriega, 20/20$20.00 usd
The On-Going Confusion between The Great Law and The Handsome Lake Code$20.00 usd
The Agonizing Death of "Colonialism" and "Federal Indian Law" in Kaianere'ko:wa/Great Law Territory
$20.00 usd
Who's Sorry Now? The good, the bad and the unapologetic Mohawks of Kanehsatake
$20.00 usd
Rebuilding the Iroquois ConfederacyKaroniaktajeh$10 usd
Warriors Hand BookKaroniaktajeh$10 usd
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Kahentinetha Horn
Speaking & Contemporary Native Issues Workshops
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Thursday, January 24, 2008
Choctaw Ben Carnes: The border, treaties, prisoner rights and the Ghost Dance
Thoughts of Racism, Politics and Spiritual Sovereignty
By Ben Carnes
Published in Caban Unzeen
Republished with permission

In the late 1990’s, I worked for a company in Oklahoma who had a contract to lay phone cables for Southwestern Bell. At a job one day, my boss and a phone repairman were talking about some land my boss had purchased. The phone repairman said, “Well, if I bought some land some Indians will probably come and take it away from me.” He knew I was Native and that I heard everything he said, so I simply told him, “No, we wouldn’t. I know what it feels like to be homeless in my homelands.” He didn’t know what to say, so I continued on working.
My comment reflected a thought that has been with me for a very long time. I had wanted to pose this question to the late Vine DeLoria Jr., but the time is past. I know his answer would have been amusing, while at the same time, thought provoking. If we were to have our lands returned, and sovereignty recognized with the jurisdiction of our authority restored tomorrow morning. What would it look like? Are we even ready? And how would we treat the non-Native people who have been here for generations? Would we just repeat what we have been taught and nothing will have really changed? Would our leaders begin to fight one another for control of territories? Will some nations begin treating non-Natives as we had been treated? What of our relatives from the South? They are just Spanish speaking Indians who are being called illegal aliens or immigrants by the descendants of immigrants.
I find it very sad that my relatives from the South are being hunted down and sent back home. Oklahoma had recently passed a law prohibiting aiding any “illegal immigrants” with food, shelter, or work, or even a ride to work. The Indian way is to provide our relatives who visit with food, water and the comfort of shelter. In an indirect way, our way of life is being criminalized in our homelands, like in the 1800’s when they imposed the Code of Religious Offenses.
Many of us, including myself, have made the demand for the recognition of our sovereignty. It is the reality of the past acts of assimilation/genocide has made that impossible for most of the First Nations. The one exception would be the consensus making process of the Iroquois Confederacy. The Clan Mothers of the confederacy have the authority to direct the War Chief to throw out the Todaho if he acts contrary to the wishes of the people. Benjamin Franklin thought their form of government so effective that he patterned the US Constitution after it. That is with the exception of including women.
In the 1700’s and 1800’s, the government made over 300 treaties with the First Nations, often at the threat of being starved or murdered, and in other cases, the Chiefs were given alcohol by the barrels to get them to sign the treaty the government had written. Later, when the Supreme Court ruled that treaties were made on a nation to nation basis, the government began to pass acts of Congress, without the consent or knowledge prior by Native people. By then most of the Native people had been hunted down and placed under the custody of the War Department. So in effect, our ancestors became prisoners of war. That status had never been rescinded, with the exception of the Ft. Sill Apaches who were pardoned a few years after the 1924 American Indian Citizenship Act was passed.
The government had signed a treaty with my people (Choctaw) that promised if we moved to Indian Territory (Oklahoma) it would never be made into a state or a part of the Union. Originally, Indian Territory was home to the Caddo’s, Wichita’s, and Waco’s people. The land was considered barren and useless, but to the government, it was an ideal place to exile the Native prisoners of war. However, it wasn’t long before the rumors of statehood prompted Native people to draft a proposal to Congress to allow them to form the State of Sequoyah, an Indian state. This proposal was ignored, and the move to turn Indian Territory into a state by non-Natives accelerated. My Choctaw people made a proposal to the government to allow them to sell off their lands so they could move to Mexico. This was also ignored.
By 1889, Senator Dawes decided that to make the Indians more productive, they needed to begin farming their lands. His proposal, the Dawes Allotment Act, was that each family would be allotted 180 acres per household and the remaining lands would be opened up for settlement to pioneers.
Some Muskogee’s, Choctaws and Cherokees, including others followed Chitto Harjo in an attempt to stop their people from signing up for the allotment, but the government sent troops to quash the “Crazy Snake Rebellion”. Those who did not sign up for allotments have descendants today who cannot prove their ancestry as Native.
These surplus/stolen lands, called unassigned lands were the subject of the 1889 Land Run. At the sound of a cannon shot, thousands of people raced into Indian Territory to stake a claim. These people were known as the “Boomers”, whereas another group of people who sneaked into Indian Territory earlier were called the “Sooner”. Oklahoma is known as the Sooner state and its flagship university’s football team is called the OU Sooners. Dishonesty and thievery is deceitfully herald in Oklahoma.
Many of the people we call Chiefs consider themselves Americans and salute the flag that the cavalry waved as they murdered men, women, and children at Wounded Knee, Sand Creek and so many other places of pain. When the European immigrants arrived and embarked upon the mission of Manifest Destiny to conquer and exploit the land. It was the missionaries who came and stole our children away from their homes to teach them their education. Then they sent them back to their communities where government agents recognized them as the leaders. Their minds had been colonized and they worked on behalf of the colonizer.
The 1934 Indian Reorganization Act established procedures where Natives could apply for federal recognition. They had to create written democratic constitution and council system. In the mid 70’s, the American Indian Self-determination Act was passed and more First Nations began to seek federal recognition, some real and some fraudulent. This Act permitted the First Nations to administer their own programs through federal funding.
Since the cession of treaty making with First Nations, many of the Acts of Congress has been to our detriment. Many of the so-called Chiefs have been convicted of fraud and mismanagement of federal funds. Their position has led to an abuse of office for self-serving interest.
The huge minus to these Acts is when I went to the United Nations in Vienna, Austria, I learned from the delegates that because of these Acts, we no longer have a voice in the UN. We are considered a domestic concern of the US government and if we have a problem, then we have to take it up with them.
In 1993, then President Bill Clinton signed the apology resolution in which he apologized for the illegal overthrow of the lawful Hawaiian Kingdom by the United States military and it agents. The Native Hawaiians began to seek liberation and full autonomous control of their lands. In response the government has been trying to pass legislation similar to the 1934 IRA to keep them under their control. I testified at this hearing in opposition to the proposed action. I urged the Kanaka Maoli to not accept this bill, because if they did they would lose any chance at regaining their sovereignty. The senate committee was so angry they turned off my microphone, recessed the hearing and walked out. Meanwhile the people urged me to speak louder so they could all hear what I had to say.
Politics is an unusual word if you really look at it. An armchair definition I think is more appropriate here. Poly is defined as many, and a tick is defined as a blood-sucking parasite. So we have a lot of ticks in congress sucking up all the money and power they can. With that bit of facetiousness said, my honest opinion is that our sovereignty will not come from the government. We need to look elsewhere.
Sovereignty – A State of Mind
It was in prison that the birth of my activism took place. A brother there offered a few words, which was the key to my freedom. He explained that the Creator gave each of us free will, and that no one has the power to take it away or deprive you of it unless you allow them to do so. He asked me if the judges, cops or warden took away my freedom? I sad no, I had pled guilty to my burglary charges. Then he said do you think you can take it back? I looked around the yard and said that if I could get on top of the rotunda across to the administration building and then onto the other side of the wall and fence without getting shot I could. He said that even if I could make it to the other side of the fence and they shot me and placed me in chains and put me in a cell, they still couldn’t take away my choice to be free. Their physical obstacles and threats of force is not enough to keep you from choosing to be free. You can be free right here and now without trying to escape.
To anyone else, this may have been the craziest mumbo-jumbo anyone has ever heard, but the strangest thing is I understood him with such clarity that all of a sudden everything in the prison changed for me. I knew that I lived in a repressive environment, a maximum-security prison, and even if I was out, I still lived in a very racist state. I knew I would never allow the prison officials to manipulate me with parole, loss of days off my sentence or threats of transfer to a more restrictive prison. I knew that if I spoke out or challenged the officials or guards, I could get into trouble, but I was no longer going to be intimidated. I made my choice of my own free will to stand upon my principles. I was not going to be controlled as a puppet on a string, so I became well versed in the prison polices and procedures, and studied constitutional & civil law as a law clerk in the prison law library. I was left alone for the most part.
In 1986, I filed a lawsuit against prison officials to prevent them from forcibly cutting my hair after a grooming code was put into effect. At the same time, I discovered a letter written by the director of the prison system who said that the Native American religion is in the same category as the Ku Klux Klan and the Aryan Brotherhood, and was therefore non-religious in nature. His arrogance in comparing our Native spirituality to two deadly white supremacy organizations only fueled the ire of Native people from around the country, and of socially conscious people worldwide. Media interviews were requested and letters from around the world was written to prison officials demanding that the Native prisoners be allowed to practice their religion. Although the judge ruled against us, he instructed the prison officials to develop a policy, which would allow Native prisoners to apply for an exemption.
On December 10, 1987, I was given the Oklahoma Human Rights Award. The first time in this country an award such as this was given to someone currently serving a prison sentence. The only other exception was political prisoner, Leonard Peltier, who received his award from the country of Spain. This recognition caused further embarrassment to prison officials. So much that caseworkers and other employees began persuading me to apply for parole. After discussing this with a few of my friends, I agreed. I had been waiving my parole appearances for a number of years. The prison officials were overjoyed with the news. I may have the distinction of being one of the few people kicked out of a maximum-security prison and then the prison system altogether. By then I had served over 7 1/2 years of a 12 year sentence for burglary.
Upon being paroled I was enrolled at the University of Oklahoma studying Public Affairs and Administration. Within two months after my release, the University paper featured a huge story about my involvement the struggle for long hair in prison and immediately 22,000 students knew who I was. When the paper came out, I almost didn’t go to class, all day students and professors came up to me and congratulated me for what I had done. Being a campus celebrity was not the most comfortable thing I have been in my life, but it gave me more of an opportunity to speak out about the rights of Native prisoners.
Later, I formed the Spiritual Alliance for Native Prisoners, which was successful to a point in educating First Nation leaders and the officials of the corrections department about our rights. Then I became a National spokesperson for the Leonard Peltier Defense Committee and the League of Indigenous Sovereign Nations. I’ve testified on behalf of Native people and the Kanaka Maoli (Native Hawaiians) before three congressional committees. I’ve spoken with delegates at the United Nations in Vienna and traveled to the South American country of Columbia, as a Human Rights delegate, to meet with Indigenous peoples there, including those in prison. I’ve served as a Chaplain at the Oklahoma City bombsite counseling rescue workers and as a Spiritual Advisor to state and federal prisoners. I lived with Native Youth groups camped in the mountains of British Columbia conducting roadblocks, occupation of federal buildings and reclaiming Indigenous lands. I was at the occupation of a military base in Ontario after the police murdered Dudley George who was protecting the people when the police launched a raid to remove the Natives who were reclaiming their land. I’ve participated in several major demonstrations, including making the welcoming address on behalf of the Piscataway Indian nation whose lands Washington, DC and the White House sits upon.
All this and much more in the 19 years I have been out of prison. I remember someone named Robert Gann said, “Sovereignty is a state of mind.” If we believe we are sovereign then we must conduct ourselves as if we are sovereign. This was part of what has motivated me to do what I have done, and the other part is my traditional spirituality.
Spirituality – A way of life
After completing my parole in 1991, I had been going to several different ceremonies all around the country, and had begun to fulfill a Sun Dance commitment. Although, I did not feel I was ready, Chief Tayac of the Piscataway Indian Nation and his son, Mark, the Sun Dance Chief urged me to go into the prisons as a Spiritual Advisor.
When I went into the prison and ran a sweat for my family there, I have never felt anything more fulfilling. I was doing what the Creator had set out for me, and I also saw more clearly how the assimilative effects of conformity in prison was a barrier to our traditional values and philosophies. One example is listening to some of the brothers talking about what they were going to do when they got out. I heard the word “bitches” used quite often around the fireplace of the sweat. I waited until we were in the lodge and close the door. I spoke to everyone about the language I heard around a place of prayer. I told them being an ex-con; I understand where that language comes from. I explained that the prison system originally held white males and that they developed their code of honor according to their culture. Later, when blacks and Indians were being held in prison, they adopted that code of honor to conform. Most everyone wanted to be known as a “Good Convict”, someone who is solid and won’t steal or rat you out. So in order to conform, I told them they were doing nothing more than trying to be a white prisoner. I asked them, “What is so wrong with being a Native person here in prison? We don’t have to be like them. And think about who taught you to call your grandmothers, mothers, sisters, aunties, cousins and nieces - bitches. Where is the respect for the Woman Nation in that? Is that how you guys are going to conduct yourselves when you get out?” You could feel the shame and guilt pour out of these brothers.
Whether it is in prison or on the streets, without our spiritual or cultural identity, we feel lost and find ways to conform with our peers so that we can fit in.
When we make a pledge to Sun Dance, it isn’t just for eight days of the year or for the four years of our commitment, it is for the rest of our lives. As a Sun Dancer, our life is lived in service to the people. Adhering to these spiritual principles becomes a development of our personal self on a physical, mental and spiritual level. In our hearts, minds, and spirit, we need to remove the negative forces of racism, sexism and elitism, and many other isms’ that blocks our path. Often we have become our own worst enemies when we allow ourselves to become corrupt with the desire for power, status and financial gain. None of those negativities are fulfilling, they only eat away at your life like an addictive drug. When those forces get in the way of our visions, we lose the focus of our path.
Eagle Mountain – Sacred Sovereign Territory
For more than 25 years it has been my vision to have land where I/we could build a community utilizing alternative forms of energy and have ceremonies and host conferences. I was in Canada when the twin towers went down on Sept. 11th. As I sat there watching the news, I realized that I couldn’t keep participating and conducting direct-action activities. The ensuing result was that I would end up in prison for a long time or I would end up dead. Not that I was afraid of those things happening, but with the changes in the laws, it was time for a different strategy. I decided to return to the states and make my vision a reality.
Today we have 160 acres with water rights to two springs on the foothills of the Sheep Mt.. We are almost ready to submit an application for tax-exemption to act as a non-profit. And to date, with the help of friends, family and past speaking engagements, we have paid over half the value of the land. It has been our intention that once the land is paid off, we would place it into a trust so that it never be sold off or used as collateral for loans.
We can build energy efficient homes below ground that can maintain a constant temperature without having to utilize excessive amounts of energy or wood. We have clean spring water to sustain us, and we have been collecting organic seeds to plant in our gardens.We have friends who are Sun Dancers, Aztec dancers and Peyote people who are planning on moving onto the land. There are future plans to host a conference bringing in Indigenous Spiritual leaders from across the hemisphere to share their prophecies with us. Next summer, we will host the 3rd Annual Eagle Mountain Sun Dance.
I have sensed that there are so many important things that need to be done within the next five years, and having this land is going to be the only way I can accomplish it. In 1976, Thomas Banyacya, Hopi, told a committee of the UN during a meeting in Vancouver that many of their prophecies have been completed and that it is time for the people to return to a spiritual path and leave the material one behind.
The end of the Mayan Calendar www.water-consciousness.com/must/must_article09, in 2012, signifies a cross roads the world is coming to. In short, the Mayans have said that we are in a period where the powers of darkness and light are at their peak. One is on a conquest for power and control, while the other is praying for peace and balance to be restored. Over the next five years this spiritual battle between dark and light will determine our future with the conclusion of the Mayan Calendar.
To help illustrate this point, consider how the government has been using fear as a marketing tool to coerce people to give up their civil and constitutional freedoms since the Oklahoma City bombing which broadened police powers, and then so much more after Sept. 11. Those police powers would have been abhorrent to people in the 1960’s, and been reminiscent of fascist police states.
The Real ID Act of 2005 (Public Law 109-13), effective on Dec. 31, 2009, is being opposed by several states. This Act was attached as a rider to a military spending bill and passed. The component of the implementation of the Act is that no federal agency will accept any driver’s license as valid identification for federal purposes. The federal Transportation Security Administration will not let you board a plane without further screening. And employers will not hire you, nor will banks provide services.
The National Animal Identification System is a program regulated by the USDA (http://animalid.aphis.usda.gov/nais/index.shtml). The first step of this program is premises registration, which allows the USDA access to your property at any time for inspection.
The second part of NAIS is that all of your livestock must be chipped at your expense. If you have livestock that is not micro chipped, you can be fined. The microchips are being implanted into livestock so that the government can keep track of your livestock. If a cow leaves your property to eat in a neighbors pasture and you don’t report it. You can be fined a thousand dollars a day, even if you weren’t aware of it. If your animals become infected with a curable disease, your entire livestock could be destroyed without compensation. There are several organizations that are opposed to NAIS, such as, http://www.nonais.org/. Consider that if everyone had to register his or her firearm, and then one day the government decides to confiscate it. They know where to look. If there is a food shortage, and the need more, they’ll just show up and take it.
We have issues of Global Warming, and the chemtrails, along with the GMO foods manufactured by Monsanto. If you live near one of their “manufacturing” areas, and if the wind blows pollen from their “products” into your organic garden, they can have your garden destroyed because they have the copyright.
Water is being currently bought up by the wealthy and powerful. Real estate magnate, Warren Buffet has been said to sell off much of his holdings prior to the market dropping out. Nearly 80 to 90 % of sub-prime home loans are being foreclosed upon. Oil is nearly $100 a barrel, which will be passed on to consumers in gas, commercial travel, and products. For the first time in history, the Canadian dollar is above the US dollar. And a possible war with Iran will bring China and Russia against the US.
Somehow the future doesn’t look so great.
In facing the current events of the world, the birth of the White Buffalo Calf’s is assuring that something spiritual is taking place. In heeding the words of Thomas Banyacya and the Mayan Calendar, it may not be such a bad idea for the Ghost Dance to make its return in the form as it was presented to Wovoka. Not the versions in which people believed that if the dance was done, the whites would disappear and our ancestors would return, along with the buffalo. It has always been difficult for me to believe the Creator would show us a ceremony to eradicate our relatives. From what I have understood about Wovoka’s vision is that the dance was to bring peace and understanding to all people.
My idea of sovereignty based upon a spiritual way of life. Through this way of life, I have found a stronger connection to the Creator and Mother Earth. There appears little can be done politically, Bush’s “selection” in 2000 seemed pretty obvious, and there was no national outrage that I heard about. But if the news media is 95% corporate controlled, it wouldn’t be on the front page.
There is little we can do against a government with no honor or morals. We do know the power of prayer and we have witnessed true miracles according to today’s definition take place. So if we are to return to a spiritual path, then I am thankful for all of my life’s’ experiences that have brought me here. There are terrible things happening, and more are going to take place. This is a time to educate one another and to become spiritual warriors devoid of any negativity. Get out of the cities and acquire some land to grow & raise your own food. Bring like-minded friends and families with you because there may come a time that you need a community to help defend the land. Being a spiritual person doesn’t mean we have to turn the other cheek, nor is self-defense an act of violence. If all of our prayers are strong and sincere, it will be our defense and a way to bring peace and balance into the world. We’ll see.
To All of My Relations,
About the author
Ben Carnes is from the Choctaw Nation, a long time activist, prisoner’s rights advocate, and a Sun Dance Chief. He currently resides in Southern Colorado. He can be reached through the website at http://www.eaglecouncil.org/. Or at www.myspace.com/eagle_mountain
By Ben Carnes
Published in Caban Unzeen
Republished with permission
In the late 1990’s, I worked for a company in Oklahoma who had a contract to lay phone cables for Southwestern Bell. At a job one day, my boss and a phone repairman were talking about some land my boss had purchased. The phone repairman said, “Well, if I bought some land some Indians will probably come and take it away from me.” He knew I was Native and that I heard everything he said, so I simply told him, “No, we wouldn’t. I know what it feels like to be homeless in my homelands.” He didn’t know what to say, so I continued on working.
My comment reflected a thought that has been with me for a very long time. I had wanted to pose this question to the late Vine DeLoria Jr., but the time is past. I know his answer would have been amusing, while at the same time, thought provoking. If we were to have our lands returned, and sovereignty recognized with the jurisdiction of our authority restored tomorrow morning. What would it look like? Are we even ready? And how would we treat the non-Native people who have been here for generations? Would we just repeat what we have been taught and nothing will have really changed? Would our leaders begin to fight one another for control of territories? Will some nations begin treating non-Natives as we had been treated? What of our relatives from the South? They are just Spanish speaking Indians who are being called illegal aliens or immigrants by the descendants of immigrants.
I find it very sad that my relatives from the South are being hunted down and sent back home. Oklahoma had recently passed a law prohibiting aiding any “illegal immigrants” with food, shelter, or work, or even a ride to work. The Indian way is to provide our relatives who visit with food, water and the comfort of shelter. In an indirect way, our way of life is being criminalized in our homelands, like in the 1800’s when they imposed the Code of Religious Offenses.
Many of us, including myself, have made the demand for the recognition of our sovereignty. It is the reality of the past acts of assimilation/genocide has made that impossible for most of the First Nations. The one exception would be the consensus making process of the Iroquois Confederacy. The Clan Mothers of the confederacy have the authority to direct the War Chief to throw out the Todaho if he acts contrary to the wishes of the people. Benjamin Franklin thought their form of government so effective that he patterned the US Constitution after it. That is with the exception of including women.
In the 1700’s and 1800’s, the government made over 300 treaties with the First Nations, often at the threat of being starved or murdered, and in other cases, the Chiefs were given alcohol by the barrels to get them to sign the treaty the government had written. Later, when the Supreme Court ruled that treaties were made on a nation to nation basis, the government began to pass acts of Congress, without the consent or knowledge prior by Native people. By then most of the Native people had been hunted down and placed under the custody of the War Department. So in effect, our ancestors became prisoners of war. That status had never been rescinded, with the exception of the Ft. Sill Apaches who were pardoned a few years after the 1924 American Indian Citizenship Act was passed.
The government had signed a treaty with my people (Choctaw) that promised if we moved to Indian Territory (Oklahoma) it would never be made into a state or a part of the Union. Originally, Indian Territory was home to the Caddo’s, Wichita’s, and Waco’s people. The land was considered barren and useless, but to the government, it was an ideal place to exile the Native prisoners of war. However, it wasn’t long before the rumors of statehood prompted Native people to draft a proposal to Congress to allow them to form the State of Sequoyah, an Indian state. This proposal was ignored, and the move to turn Indian Territory into a state by non-Natives accelerated. My Choctaw people made a proposal to the government to allow them to sell off their lands so they could move to Mexico. This was also ignored.
By 1889, Senator Dawes decided that to make the Indians more productive, they needed to begin farming their lands. His proposal, the Dawes Allotment Act, was that each family would be allotted 180 acres per household and the remaining lands would be opened up for settlement to pioneers.
Some Muskogee’s, Choctaws and Cherokees, including others followed Chitto Harjo in an attempt to stop their people from signing up for the allotment, but the government sent troops to quash the “Crazy Snake Rebellion”. Those who did not sign up for allotments have descendants today who cannot prove their ancestry as Native.
These surplus/stolen lands, called unassigned lands were the subject of the 1889 Land Run. At the sound of a cannon shot, thousands of people raced into Indian Territory to stake a claim. These people were known as the “Boomers”, whereas another group of people who sneaked into Indian Territory earlier were called the “Sooner”. Oklahoma is known as the Sooner state and its flagship university’s football team is called the OU Sooners. Dishonesty and thievery is deceitfully herald in Oklahoma.
Many of the people we call Chiefs consider themselves Americans and salute the flag that the cavalry waved as they murdered men, women, and children at Wounded Knee, Sand Creek and so many other places of pain. When the European immigrants arrived and embarked upon the mission of Manifest Destiny to conquer and exploit the land. It was the missionaries who came and stole our children away from their homes to teach them their education. Then they sent them back to their communities where government agents recognized them as the leaders. Their minds had been colonized and they worked on behalf of the colonizer.
The 1934 Indian Reorganization Act established procedures where Natives could apply for federal recognition. They had to create written democratic constitution and council system. In the mid 70’s, the American Indian Self-determination Act was passed and more First Nations began to seek federal recognition, some real and some fraudulent. This Act permitted the First Nations to administer their own programs through federal funding.
Since the cession of treaty making with First Nations, many of the Acts of Congress has been to our detriment. Many of the so-called Chiefs have been convicted of fraud and mismanagement of federal funds. Their position has led to an abuse of office for self-serving interest.
The huge minus to these Acts is when I went to the United Nations in Vienna, Austria, I learned from the delegates that because of these Acts, we no longer have a voice in the UN. We are considered a domestic concern of the US government and if we have a problem, then we have to take it up with them.
In 1993, then President Bill Clinton signed the apology resolution in which he apologized for the illegal overthrow of the lawful Hawaiian Kingdom by the United States military and it agents. The Native Hawaiians began to seek liberation and full autonomous control of their lands. In response the government has been trying to pass legislation similar to the 1934 IRA to keep them under their control. I testified at this hearing in opposition to the proposed action. I urged the Kanaka Maoli to not accept this bill, because if they did they would lose any chance at regaining their sovereignty. The senate committee was so angry they turned off my microphone, recessed the hearing and walked out. Meanwhile the people urged me to speak louder so they could all hear what I had to say.
Politics is an unusual word if you really look at it. An armchair definition I think is more appropriate here. Poly is defined as many, and a tick is defined as a blood-sucking parasite. So we have a lot of ticks in congress sucking up all the money and power they can. With that bit of facetiousness said, my honest opinion is that our sovereignty will not come from the government. We need to look elsewhere.
Sovereignty – A State of Mind
It was in prison that the birth of my activism took place. A brother there offered a few words, which was the key to my freedom. He explained that the Creator gave each of us free will, and that no one has the power to take it away or deprive you of it unless you allow them to do so. He asked me if the judges, cops or warden took away my freedom? I sad no, I had pled guilty to my burglary charges. Then he said do you think you can take it back? I looked around the yard and said that if I could get on top of the rotunda across to the administration building and then onto the other side of the wall and fence without getting shot I could. He said that even if I could make it to the other side of the fence and they shot me and placed me in chains and put me in a cell, they still couldn’t take away my choice to be free. Their physical obstacles and threats of force is not enough to keep you from choosing to be free. You can be free right here and now without trying to escape.
To anyone else, this may have been the craziest mumbo-jumbo anyone has ever heard, but the strangest thing is I understood him with such clarity that all of a sudden everything in the prison changed for me. I knew that I lived in a repressive environment, a maximum-security prison, and even if I was out, I still lived in a very racist state. I knew I would never allow the prison officials to manipulate me with parole, loss of days off my sentence or threats of transfer to a more restrictive prison. I knew that if I spoke out or challenged the officials or guards, I could get into trouble, but I was no longer going to be intimidated. I made my choice of my own free will to stand upon my principles. I was not going to be controlled as a puppet on a string, so I became well versed in the prison polices and procedures, and studied constitutional & civil law as a law clerk in the prison law library. I was left alone for the most part.
In 1986, I filed a lawsuit against prison officials to prevent them from forcibly cutting my hair after a grooming code was put into effect. At the same time, I discovered a letter written by the director of the prison system who said that the Native American religion is in the same category as the Ku Klux Klan and the Aryan Brotherhood, and was therefore non-religious in nature. His arrogance in comparing our Native spirituality to two deadly white supremacy organizations only fueled the ire of Native people from around the country, and of socially conscious people worldwide. Media interviews were requested and letters from around the world was written to prison officials demanding that the Native prisoners be allowed to practice their religion. Although the judge ruled against us, he instructed the prison officials to develop a policy, which would allow Native prisoners to apply for an exemption.
On December 10, 1987, I was given the Oklahoma Human Rights Award. The first time in this country an award such as this was given to someone currently serving a prison sentence. The only other exception was political prisoner, Leonard Peltier, who received his award from the country of Spain. This recognition caused further embarrassment to prison officials. So much that caseworkers and other employees began persuading me to apply for parole. After discussing this with a few of my friends, I agreed. I had been waiving my parole appearances for a number of years. The prison officials were overjoyed with the news. I may have the distinction of being one of the few people kicked out of a maximum-security prison and then the prison system altogether. By then I had served over 7 1/2 years of a 12 year sentence for burglary.
Upon being paroled I was enrolled at the University of Oklahoma studying Public Affairs and Administration. Within two months after my release, the University paper featured a huge story about my involvement the struggle for long hair in prison and immediately 22,000 students knew who I was. When the paper came out, I almost didn’t go to class, all day students and professors came up to me and congratulated me for what I had done. Being a campus celebrity was not the most comfortable thing I have been in my life, but it gave me more of an opportunity to speak out about the rights of Native prisoners.
Later, I formed the Spiritual Alliance for Native Prisoners, which was successful to a point in educating First Nation leaders and the officials of the corrections department about our rights. Then I became a National spokesperson for the Leonard Peltier Defense Committee and the League of Indigenous Sovereign Nations. I’ve testified on behalf of Native people and the Kanaka Maoli (Native Hawaiians) before three congressional committees. I’ve spoken with delegates at the United Nations in Vienna and traveled to the South American country of Columbia, as a Human Rights delegate, to meet with Indigenous peoples there, including those in prison. I’ve served as a Chaplain at the Oklahoma City bombsite counseling rescue workers and as a Spiritual Advisor to state and federal prisoners. I lived with Native Youth groups camped in the mountains of British Columbia conducting roadblocks, occupation of federal buildings and reclaiming Indigenous lands. I was at the occupation of a military base in Ontario after the police murdered Dudley George who was protecting the people when the police launched a raid to remove the Natives who were reclaiming their land. I’ve participated in several major demonstrations, including making the welcoming address on behalf of the Piscataway Indian nation whose lands Washington, DC and the White House sits upon.
All this and much more in the 19 years I have been out of prison. I remember someone named Robert Gann said, “Sovereignty is a state of mind.” If we believe we are sovereign then we must conduct ourselves as if we are sovereign. This was part of what has motivated me to do what I have done, and the other part is my traditional spirituality.
Spirituality – A way of life
After completing my parole in 1991, I had been going to several different ceremonies all around the country, and had begun to fulfill a Sun Dance commitment. Although, I did not feel I was ready, Chief Tayac of the Piscataway Indian Nation and his son, Mark, the Sun Dance Chief urged me to go into the prisons as a Spiritual Advisor.
When I went into the prison and ran a sweat for my family there, I have never felt anything more fulfilling. I was doing what the Creator had set out for me, and I also saw more clearly how the assimilative effects of conformity in prison was a barrier to our traditional values and philosophies. One example is listening to some of the brothers talking about what they were going to do when they got out. I heard the word “bitches” used quite often around the fireplace of the sweat. I waited until we were in the lodge and close the door. I spoke to everyone about the language I heard around a place of prayer. I told them being an ex-con; I understand where that language comes from. I explained that the prison system originally held white males and that they developed their code of honor according to their culture. Later, when blacks and Indians were being held in prison, they adopted that code of honor to conform. Most everyone wanted to be known as a “Good Convict”, someone who is solid and won’t steal or rat you out. So in order to conform, I told them they were doing nothing more than trying to be a white prisoner. I asked them, “What is so wrong with being a Native person here in prison? We don’t have to be like them. And think about who taught you to call your grandmothers, mothers, sisters, aunties, cousins and nieces - bitches. Where is the respect for the Woman Nation in that? Is that how you guys are going to conduct yourselves when you get out?” You could feel the shame and guilt pour out of these brothers.
Whether it is in prison or on the streets, without our spiritual or cultural identity, we feel lost and find ways to conform with our peers so that we can fit in.
When we make a pledge to Sun Dance, it isn’t just for eight days of the year or for the four years of our commitment, it is for the rest of our lives. As a Sun Dancer, our life is lived in service to the people. Adhering to these spiritual principles becomes a development of our personal self on a physical, mental and spiritual level. In our hearts, minds, and spirit, we need to remove the negative forces of racism, sexism and elitism, and many other isms’ that blocks our path. Often we have become our own worst enemies when we allow ourselves to become corrupt with the desire for power, status and financial gain. None of those negativities are fulfilling, they only eat away at your life like an addictive drug. When those forces get in the way of our visions, we lose the focus of our path.
Eagle Mountain – Sacred Sovereign Territory
For more than 25 years it has been my vision to have land where I/we could build a community utilizing alternative forms of energy and have ceremonies and host conferences. I was in Canada when the twin towers went down on Sept. 11th. As I sat there watching the news, I realized that I couldn’t keep participating and conducting direct-action activities. The ensuing result was that I would end up in prison for a long time or I would end up dead. Not that I was afraid of those things happening, but with the changes in the laws, it was time for a different strategy. I decided to return to the states and make my vision a reality.
Today we have 160 acres with water rights to two springs on the foothills of the Sheep Mt.. We are almost ready to submit an application for tax-exemption to act as a non-profit. And to date, with the help of friends, family and past speaking engagements, we have paid over half the value of the land. It has been our intention that once the land is paid off, we would place it into a trust so that it never be sold off or used as collateral for loans.
We can build energy efficient homes below ground that can maintain a constant temperature without having to utilize excessive amounts of energy or wood. We have clean spring water to sustain us, and we have been collecting organic seeds to plant in our gardens.We have friends who are Sun Dancers, Aztec dancers and Peyote people who are planning on moving onto the land. There are future plans to host a conference bringing in Indigenous Spiritual leaders from across the hemisphere to share their prophecies with us. Next summer, we will host the 3rd Annual Eagle Mountain Sun Dance.
I have sensed that there are so many important things that need to be done within the next five years, and having this land is going to be the only way I can accomplish it. In 1976, Thomas Banyacya, Hopi, told a committee of the UN during a meeting in Vancouver that many of their prophecies have been completed and that it is time for the people to return to a spiritual path and leave the material one behind.
The end of the Mayan Calendar www.water-consciousness.com/must/must_article09, in 2012, signifies a cross roads the world is coming to. In short, the Mayans have said that we are in a period where the powers of darkness and light are at their peak. One is on a conquest for power and control, while the other is praying for peace and balance to be restored. Over the next five years this spiritual battle between dark and light will determine our future with the conclusion of the Mayan Calendar.
To help illustrate this point, consider how the government has been using fear as a marketing tool to coerce people to give up their civil and constitutional freedoms since the Oklahoma City bombing which broadened police powers, and then so much more after Sept. 11. Those police powers would have been abhorrent to people in the 1960’s, and been reminiscent of fascist police states.
The Real ID Act of 2005 (Public Law 109-13), effective on Dec. 31, 2009, is being opposed by several states. This Act was attached as a rider to a military spending bill and passed. The component of the implementation of the Act is that no federal agency will accept any driver’s license as valid identification for federal purposes. The federal Transportation Security Administration will not let you board a plane without further screening. And employers will not hire you, nor will banks provide services.
The National Animal Identification System is a program regulated by the USDA (http://animalid.aphis.usda.gov/nais/index.shtml). The first step of this program is premises registration, which allows the USDA access to your property at any time for inspection.
The second part of NAIS is that all of your livestock must be chipped at your expense. If you have livestock that is not micro chipped, you can be fined. The microchips are being implanted into livestock so that the government can keep track of your livestock. If a cow leaves your property to eat in a neighbors pasture and you don’t report it. You can be fined a thousand dollars a day, even if you weren’t aware of it. If your animals become infected with a curable disease, your entire livestock could be destroyed without compensation. There are several organizations that are opposed to NAIS, such as, http://www.nonais.org/. Consider that if everyone had to register his or her firearm, and then one day the government decides to confiscate it. They know where to look. If there is a food shortage, and the need more, they’ll just show up and take it.
We have issues of Global Warming, and the chemtrails, along with the GMO foods manufactured by Monsanto. If you live near one of their “manufacturing” areas, and if the wind blows pollen from their “products” into your organic garden, they can have your garden destroyed because they have the copyright.
Water is being currently bought up by the wealthy and powerful. Real estate magnate, Warren Buffet has been said to sell off much of his holdings prior to the market dropping out. Nearly 80 to 90 % of sub-prime home loans are being foreclosed upon. Oil is nearly $100 a barrel, which will be passed on to consumers in gas, commercial travel, and products. For the first time in history, the Canadian dollar is above the US dollar. And a possible war with Iran will bring China and Russia against the US.
Somehow the future doesn’t look so great.
In facing the current events of the world, the birth of the White Buffalo Calf’s is assuring that something spiritual is taking place. In heeding the words of Thomas Banyacya and the Mayan Calendar, it may not be such a bad idea for the Ghost Dance to make its return in the form as it was presented to Wovoka. Not the versions in which people believed that if the dance was done, the whites would disappear and our ancestors would return, along with the buffalo. It has always been difficult for me to believe the Creator would show us a ceremony to eradicate our relatives. From what I have understood about Wovoka’s vision is that the dance was to bring peace and understanding to all people.
My idea of sovereignty based upon a spiritual way of life. Through this way of life, I have found a stronger connection to the Creator and Mother Earth. There appears little can be done politically, Bush’s “selection” in 2000 seemed pretty obvious, and there was no national outrage that I heard about. But if the news media is 95% corporate controlled, it wouldn’t be on the front page.
There is little we can do against a government with no honor or morals. We do know the power of prayer and we have witnessed true miracles according to today’s definition take place. So if we are to return to a spiritual path, then I am thankful for all of my life’s’ experiences that have brought me here. There are terrible things happening, and more are going to take place. This is a time to educate one another and to become spiritual warriors devoid of any negativity. Get out of the cities and acquire some land to grow & raise your own food. Bring like-minded friends and families with you because there may come a time that you need a community to help defend the land. Being a spiritual person doesn’t mean we have to turn the other cheek, nor is self-defense an act of violence. If all of our prayers are strong and sincere, it will be our defense and a way to bring peace and balance into the world. We’ll see.
To All of My Relations,
About the author
Ben Carnes is from the Choctaw Nation, a long time activist, prisoner’s rights advocate, and a Sun Dance Chief. He currently resides in Southern Colorado. He can be reached through the website at http://www.eaglecouncil.org/. Or at www.myspace.com/eagle_mountain
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Mohawk Nation News: Beware of certain unscrupulous 'Algonquins' & Arms dealers seeking profits

Mohawk Nations News
Mohawk Nations News
(Photo: The Trench)
Jan. 22, 2008. Just what is legitimate representation anyway? Certain unscrupulous “Algonquins” continue to try to make deals with Ontario over Haudenosaunee land. The land south of the Ottawa River is Haudenosaunee. They are just “visitors” in this area. This hasn’t stopped developers and those involved in the colonial land claims game from attempting to choreograph a strange dance.
On January 21st Brian Crane lawyer for Ontario and Bob Potts negotiator for the Algonquins of Ontario met with Harold Perry and Robert Lovelace, the chief and the negotiator for the Ardoch Algonquins, at the Holiday Inn in Kingston. They appear to be trying to figure out how to find “more Ardoch Algonquins” to bring into their dance, to make it look a lot more convincing. They even signed up those who think they might have “Algonquin” ancestry somewhere back in time. They are desperate to make their numbers look good.
Lawyer, Mike Swinwood, recently went to Pembroke in the hope that he could pressure the Algonquins there to sign on to something. It appears that Ontario has set a deadline to make a cash offer of about $20 million to the Algonquins for Haudenosaunee land.
The more Algonquins the higher the price? This is “the sale ends at midnight” pitch! Frontenac Ventures Inc., the mining exploration company that wants to dig uranium or to find other uses for Haudenosaunee land at Sharbot Lake, has pulled out of these negotiations.
Frontenac Ventures wants to either get paid off by Ontario or they are going to start drilling for uranium next week. Whoa there! Hold your horses! What’s the scam? Why should Frontenac Ventures be allowed to explore when Ontario’s authority over Indigenous resources has yet to be established? Who knows how this will turn out when all the evidence is put on the table? Another possibility floating around is that Ontario and those Algonquins in favor of development will mine the uranium themselves.
Frontenac Ventures has hired a private security company from Pickering Ontario to implement the heavy security that will be required so they can exploit the resources in this area. If it is Allan-Vanguard, it is one of the biggest and most ferocious security companies in the world [so we are told!]. They advertise Rotweiller dogs, high tech surveillance such as eye-in-the-sky cameras, mikes and all kinds of lethal weaponry. How’s that for a wholesome Canadian enterprise? Mohawks are offering to send skunk oil to be sprayed around the area to keep the dogs away. Allan Vanguard deals with aspects of “terrorism” like chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear explosives. They’ve studied neutron bombs. In other words, they have a high tech military capability. Their subsidiary, MedEng of Ottawa, makes and tests protective gear and related products.
What do they need all this junk for anyway? Haven’t they heard that “might doesn’t make right”? The basic premise underlying their violence oriented approach to solving human problems is illegal. There is presently a security camera and mike behind the trailer at the protest site on Highway 509 near Sharbot Lake where the settlers and the Algonquins meet regularly to discuss strategy. There is already a trench all along the roadside indicating the beginnings of heavy duty fortification. [This was dug “to keep out marauding Mohawks” a few days after the Mohawks showed up at the Kingston “negotiation” on January 6, 2008.] It looks like trench warfare in the heart of Onowaregeh, Turtle Island. How can private enterprise set up such a private para-military “squad”?
How can we stop these monsters?
Only the Shaabot Algonquins are at the protest site.
The Ardoch Algonquins are not there because they do not have the manpower as they do not have the support of their people.
The “pro bono” [or contingency fee?] lawyers, Chris Reid, Steve Reynolds and Mike Swinwood, are apparently having all their expenses paid by Ardoch Council who get their money from Ottawa, Ontario, settler organizations, corporations and donations. Their hit play, “Piece de ‘phony’ Resistance”, appears to be making money. Besides contingency fees, the profits are being used to twist certain arms of government, the public and the Algonquins. They are all dressed in sleek and expensive duds that cost way more than anything “the Indians” they purport to protect are wearing.
Last July 2007 the Alongquins called the Mohawks to help them, which we did. Now it looks like certain Algonquins want to give the impression they represent us in the uranium mining and land claims negotiations. How can this be? We weren’t even informed of what’s happening. This whole thing is all very strange! Randy Cota, the Ontario Provincial Police chief of the Ardoch Algonquins, asked certain Algonquins to help him get the Mohawks to “sing the Algonquin song” or to be “brought under control”.
Randy thinks he can bring the Mohawks in line with his charm and his Haudenosaunee baseball cap that our guys gave him. Ontario plans to ignore our objections to their phony negotiations to steal our land and resources, which violate Haudenosaunee law, Canadian law and international law. The leading anti-Ongwehonwe racist agitator at Six Nations has an ally in Randy Hillier, member of the Ontario legislature, who lives at Lanark near Sharbot Lake. Gary “Who-gives-all-corpulent-people-a-bad-name” McHale is urging him to be more openly “anti-native”.
The wife of a Hillier supporter said that, “Something is going to happen here and it is going to be a big surprise!”
Is an over the top conflict being set up? Local hot heads and the Shaabot Algonquins are being used. The instigators want to bring in the army. Who knows what could happen. Martial law! One of these hot heads could step on a booby trap. Of course, the Ongwehonwe will be accused of planting it. Someone could be hurt. Robert Lovelace recently stated at a Queen’s Park, Toronto, press conference that “blood will flow”. What is this? Why is Canada supporting promoters of violence?
To stop the criminal fraud that is being committed by our Algonquin “visitors” the Kahtihon’tia:kwenio posted the following affidavit in the Frontenac News on January 24th 2008. Affidavit We Kahentinetha and Katenies, being Onkwehonwe Kanion’ke:haka, of sound mind and body and the age of majority, make this Affidavit and Notice of Claim of our free will based on our knowledge and responsibilities as Kahti’hontia:kwenio.
To the attention of: Queen Elizabeth II; Stephen Harper, Prime Minister; Michaelle Jean, Governor General; Dalton McGuinty, Premier; Robert Lovelace, Negotiator; Doreen Davis, Negotiator; Cam Clark, Ronald Ferguson and Andrew McDonald, Negotiators; Richard Moore, Mediator; Chris Reid, counsel; Steve Reynolds, counsel; George White, CEO; and all others acting as agents or assigns for HER MAJESTY; CANADA; PROVINCE of ONTARIO; ARDOC “ALGONQUIN NATION and ALLIES”; SHABOT OBAADJIWAN “ALGONQUIN FIRST NATION”; MINISTRY of NORTHERN DEVELOPMENT and MINES; & FRONTENAC VENTURES INC. and all other interests that are alien to the Onkwehonwe, that are committing illegal acts, against the Onkwehonwe Kanion’ke:haka without their free and informed consent, including; Negotiating land, water and air rights in vicinity at 44 degrees 55 minutes 42 seconds north latitude and 76 degrees 55 minutes 36 seconds west longitude, including but not limited to land 100 square miles. Said land is Kanienke traditional and ancestral land to Kanion’ke:haka.
TAKE NOTICE THAT the Kaianereh’ko:wa, our constitution, provides that the Kahtihon’tia:kwenio hold title to the land and that no man or woman accepting the laws of foreign nations or acting as agents for corporations may relinquish our title.
View Notice of Objection at http://www.mohawknationnews.com/ at “Sharbot Lake”; Kahnawake Post Office Box 991, Kahnawake Quebec [J0L 1B0]; kahentinetha2@yahoo.com katenies20@yahoo.com
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Censored News is published by censored journalist Brenda Norrell. A journalist for 27 years, Brenda lived on the Navajo Nation for 18 years, writing for Navajo Times, AP, USA Today, Lakota Times and other American Indian publications. After being censored and then terminated by Indian Country Today in 2006, she began the Censored Blog to document the most censored issues. She currently serves as human rights editor for the U.N. OBSERVER & International Report at the Hague and contributor to Sri Lanka Guardian, Narco News and CounterPunch. She was cohost of the 5-month Longest Walk Talk Radio across America, with Earthcycles Producer Govinda Dalton in 2008: www.earthcycles.net/
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