Sunday, December 30, 2007
Yucca Mountain Deadline approaches, Jan. 10, 2008
PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD DEADLINE JANUARY 10, 2008. Public hearings have not been well attended, statements mostly in favor of the plan to put all of the nuclear waste in the country in this one sacred place. Activists were told that if we do not go on record with a statement, we will have no legal recourse later on. Local papers & media spin have recently stated that opposition to the nuke dump had dropped off since the passing of Corbin Harney. The nuclear reps are confident to the point of acting like it's a done deal.
Yucca Mountain is sacred to the Shoshone as an herb gathering site, for rituals, and as a part of their stories. Yucca Mountain is known in Shoshone language as Snake Mountain. Indeed it looks like a snake. It is said that the snake was headed north when it froze where it is. Further more it is said that it will move again and "flip around". Geologists say that there are thirteen different fault lines running through it. Citizens can make an oral statement at the scheduled public hearings or fill out a form and mail it in to EIS Office U.S. Department of Energy Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Mgmt, 1551 Hillshire dr. Las Vegas, NV, 89195-7308 or by e-mail at
"The eyes of the elders are on us. The fate of the unborn is rolling toward the cliff, the voice of Corbin Harney is ringing in my ears, "It's on your shoulders now...". Info from Bear Dyken.
The DOE released two Draft Supplemental Environmen-tal Impact Statements related to repository changes and rail transportation of high-level waste in Nevada. Inyo County CA- Excellent Draft Impacts Assessment Report Comments due by 1/18/08
Friday, December 28, 2007
Lakota Freedom Delegation is news around the world, in the majority of global languages

Sioux wollen los von den USA - 22. Dez. 2007 Nordamerikas Indianer gehen auf die Barrikaden: Mitte der Woche erklärten die Lakota-Sioux alle Verträge mit der Regierung für nichtig - und präsentierten ...
Sezession von Washington Junge Welt - 21. Dez. 2007 Von Rainer Rupp Die Nachkommen von Sitting Bull und Crazy Horse, die heutigen Anführer der Lakota-Indianer, haben am Donnerstag (Ortszeit) in Washington ...
Индейцы племени Lakota больше не считают себя гражданами СШАИА REGNUM - 20 дек 2007Индейцы племени Lakota объявили, что больше не считают себя гражданами США. Лидеры племени направили в Госдепартамент бумагу, в которой сообщили, что в одностороннем порядке прекращают действие договоров, подписанных с правительством США. Некоторым из договоров более 150 лет. По словам индейского правозащитника Рассела Минса, эти документы являются "бессмысленными словами на бесполезной бумаге". Активист утверждает, что США неоднократно нарушали эти договоры, "чтобы украсть культуру и землю" индейцев.
Новости Америки
Индейцы Lakota односторонне разорвали отношения с СШАНовости Америки - 20 дек 2007Лиде

Косовские тенденции привели к образованию внутри США независимого государства - 20 дек 2007Но их жесткая позиция в вопросе о Косово, заключающаяся в том, что «кто хочет, тот и создает свое независимое государство», вернулось бумерангом в саму Америку. Вчера же лидеры индейской автономии Lakota уведомили правительство США о том, что они создают свое независимое государство. Лидеры индийских племен разрывают односторонние отношения, которые были скреплены договором, подписанным 150 лет назад. «Соглашение, подписанное с США, было ничего не стоящие слова на ничего не стоящей бумаге», ...
Индейцы начали сепаратизацию на территории пяти американских штатовКПУnews - 21 дек 2007Эти соглашения неоднократно нарушались с целью расхищения наших культурных ценностей, земель и уничтожения обычаев, - утверждают они. Автономия Lakota включает частично территорию штатов Небраска, Южная Дакота, Северная Дакота, Монтана и Вайоминг. Лидеры автономии посетили боливийское, чилийское, южноафриканское и венесуэльское посольства, с которыми намерены продолжать двусторонние отношения. Автономия Lakota намерена выпустить свои собственные паспорта и водительские права. ...
Sioux wollen los von den USA - 22. Dez. 2007 Nordamerikas Indianer gehen auf die Barrikaden: Mitte der Woche erklärten die Lakota-Sioux alle Verträge mit der Regierung für nichtig - und präsentierten

China (1 of 10) Chinese TV:
北美印第安人宣布脱离美国央视国际 - 2007年12月21日据法国媒体报道,印地安苏族拉科塔(Lakota)部落代表12月17日致函美国国务院,宣布单方面退出和美国政府签署的所有条约,其中一些条约具有150多年的历史。拉科塔部落领袖拉塞尔·米恩斯(Russell Means)19日在华盛顿举行的新闻发布会上说:“拉科塔人不再是美国公民,所有生活在我国周围5个州的人都可以加入我们。”他还强调说,退出条约完全 ...
Courrier International
ÉTATS-UNIS • Les Indiens Lakota veulent leur indépendance Courrier International - (Link to the Argus Leader in South Dakota) 24 déc 2007 Plusieurs membres de la tribu Lakota [l'une des trois grandes tribus sioux], militants autoproclamés de la liberté, ont officiellement annoncé, ...
Sécession de Washington : la nation Lakota déclare son ... Alterinfonet - 22 déc 2007 Les descendants de Sitting Bull et Crazy Horse, actuels dirigeants des Indiens Lakota (plus connus sous le nom de Sioux, NdT), ont déclaré jeudi 20 Décembre ...
Le coup de sang d'un Sioux Le Temps (Abonnement) - 23 déc 2007Un leader de la tribu des Lakota appelle les siens à déterrer la hache de guerre et à faire sédition. Controverse. Certains disent de lui qu'il est le Sioux ...
Interviews- Gaza Gazo, maire de Lakota : “L’accord de Ouaga ... Africatime - 28 nov 2007 Dans cet entretien, le maire de lakota met à nu les carences des refondateurs. • Vous venez, il ya peu, de créer un parti politique le MCCI, ...
Les Sioux sur le sentier de la liberté l'Humanité - 22 déc 2007Des leaders Lakota vont se rendre en délégation auprès des ambassades de Bolivie, du Chili, d’Afrique du Sud et du Venezuela pour des missions diplomatiques ...
Coincidence of Memory - 20 déc 2007... certainement "Miyelo", son dernier recueil, un ouvrage présentant des clichés pris pendant le tournage de Hidalgo sur les terres des indiens Lakota. ...
Audience du président du PDCI à Daoukro : Le Président Bédié a ... Nouveau Réveil - 6 déc 2007l est le maire de la commune de Lakota depuis les dernières municipales. Cet homme d'affaires prospère qui a des contacts très poussés avec le doyen des ...
Les Indiens Sioux rompent les traités signés avec les Etats-Unis ... Le Monde - 20 déc 2007Le territoire lakota se situe dans le nord-ouest des Etats-Unis et comprend notamment les régions du Nebraska, du Dakota du Sud, du Dakota du Nord, ...
北米先住民族ラコタ、米国から「独立宣言」AFPBB News - 2007年12月20日北米先住民族の運動で知られるベテラン活動家ラッセル・ミーンズ(Russell Means)氏が「われわれはもはや米国市民ではない。該当5州に住む者は皆、われわれに加わるの ...
Italy (first of 23 articles)
il Settecentoil Giornale - 18 ore faLa nazione Lakota, sparsa in cinque stati tra Nebraska e Wyoming, ha stracciato le carte firmate con il Governo federale più di un secolo fa. ...

La Repubblica
Usa, la rivolta degli indiani Lakota "Stracciamo i trattati con il ... La Repubblica - 20 dic 2007 Così gli indiani Lakota hanno deciso di stracciare i trattati firmati dai loro antenati con il governo Usa. E' netta la presa di posizione di una delle ...
«Non siamo più negli Usa». La protesta dei lakota Carta - 20 dic 2007 Means fa parte oggi della Freedom delegation che il popolo lakota, noto anche con il nome dispregiativo di Sioux, ha mandato a Washington a consegnare un ...
Gli indiani Sioux Lakota dicono basta PeaceReporter - 20 dic 2007 Gli indiani Sioux Lakota dicono basta. Dopo 150 anni dalla firma dei trattati fra la popolazione nativa e il governo degli Stati Uniti, ...
Gli Indiani Lakota:gli Stati Uniti non ci hanno rispettato La Voce d'Italia - 20 dic 2007Washington, 20 dic- Gli Indiani Lakota, tribù storica del Sioux, stanziata su ben cinque stati degli USA, hanno letteralmente stracciato i trattati col ...
Rivolta o rinnovamento Sioux? Il Messaggero - 21 dic 2007 Sempre in questa vita da “occidentale”, ho danzato nel sacro cerchio e ho versato il mio sangue nel Sacro rituale Lakota del Sole. ...
«Non siamo più cittadini Usa» Corriere della Sera - 19 dic 2007 WASHINGTON - Gli indiani Lakota, il vero nome dei Sioux, cui appartennero i grandi capi Toro Seduto e Cavallo Pazzo, hanno stracciato i Trattati firmati dai ...
RAI Net News
Gli indiani Sioux stracciano i trattati firmati dai loro antenati ... RAI Net News - 19 dic 2007Una delegazione di responsabili Lakota ha dichiarato lunedi' in un messaggio indirizzato al dipartimento di Stato che si ritirano unilateralmente dai ...

Le tribù sul piede di guerra «Non siamo più americani» il Giornale - 20 dic 2007Queste parole, scandite da Russell Means, attivista della causa Lakota, nonché noto attore cinematografico, devono essere riecheggiate mercoledì mattina ben ...
I SIOUX "ROMPONO" CON IL GOVERNO DI WASHINGTON AGI - Agenzia Giornalistica Italia - 20 dic 2007 Washington - Gli indiani Lakota -una delle tribu' Sioux piu' leggendarie, che ha dato alla storia figure come Toro Seduto e Cavallo Pazzo- hanno stracciato ...
France and Canadian French
Sécession de Washington : la nation Lakota déclare son ... Alterinfonet - 22 déc 2007 Les descendants de Sitting Bull et Crazy Horse, actuels dirigeants des Indiens Lakota (plus connus sous le nom de Sioux, NdT), ont déclaré jeudi 20 Décembre ...
Le coup de sang d'un Sioux Le Temps (Abonnement) - 23 déc 2007 Un leader de la tribu des Lakota appelle les siens à déterrer la hache de guerre et à faire sédition. Controverse. Certains disent de lui qu'il est le Sioux ...\
Interviews- Gaza Gazo, maire de Lakota : “L’accord de Ouaga ... Africatime - 28 nov 2007Dans cet entretien, le maire de lakota met à nu les carences des refondateurs. • Vous venez, il ya peu, de créer un parti politique le MCCI, ...
Les Sioux sur le sentier de la libertél'Humanité - 22 déc 2007 Des leaders Lakota vont se rendre en délégation auprès des ambassades de Bolivie, du Chili, d’Afrique du Sud et du Venezuela pour des missions diplomatiques ...
Les Indiens Sioux rompent les traités signés avec les Etats-Unis ... Le Monde - 20 déc 2007Le territoire lakota se situe dans le nord-ouest des Etats-Unis et comprend notamment les régions du Nebraska, du Dakota du Sud, du Dakota du Nord, ...
Belgie (Belgium)
Lakota-indianen stappen uit Verenigde Staten Brabants Dagblad - 20 dec 2007 WASHINGTON (ANP) - De Lakota-indianen beschouwen zich niet langer als burgers van de Verenigde Staten. Zij zegden de verdragen met de federale regering op ...
Lakota-indianen zeggen akkoorden met VS op Knack - 20 dec 2007De Lakota-indianen (de Sioux), waartoe onder andere de grote leiders Sitting Bull en Crazy Horse behoorden, hebben de akkoorden verbroken die hun ...
Lakota-indianen stappen uit de VS RTL Nieuws - 20 dec 2007 Ze roepen de 70.000 Lakota-indianen op om hun staatsburgerschap op te geven en geen belasting meer te betalen. De Lakota-indianen behoren tot de bekende ...
Lakota-indianen stappen uit de VS Reformatorisch Dagblad - 21 dec 2007 NEW YORK - De Lakota-indianen beschouwen zich niet langer als burgers van de Verenigde Staten. Zij hebben gisteren de verdragen met de federale regering ...
Nazaten van Sitting Bull roepen onafhankelijkheid uit De Morgen - 20 dec 2007 De Lakota-indianen, die ooit legendarische krijgers als Sitting Bull en Crazy Horse voortbrachten, hebben zichzelf onafhankelijk verklaard van de Verenigde ...
Australia, South Africa, UK (English speaking countries)
Chief Big Foot Riders Return To Wounded Knee, "We Want To Be Free" Common Dreams (press release), ME - 27 Dec 2007 The self-determination of the Lakota now takes on powerful meeting as the Lakota Freedom Delegation traveled to Washington DC and withdrew the Lakota from ...
Sioux Sue for Sovereignty Freezerbox - 27 Dec 2007 Not all Lakota, just the delegation, which was led by Russell Means. He, of course, is famous for surviving the siege at Wounded Knee in 1973 and founding ...
THE LAKOTA SIOUX: THE BRAVEST AMERICANS The People's Voice, TN - 27 Dec 2007 On Wednesday of this week, Russell Means led a delegation of the Lakota Sioux people to the US State Department and the embassies of Bolivia, Chile, ...
Spain, Peru, Argentina, Venezuela, Cuba (and other Spanish-language countries)
Descendientes de tribu lakota amenazan con desmoronar Estados Unidos RIA Novosti - 24 Dic 2007 Descendientes estadounidenses de la tribu lakota anunciaron la cancelación de tratados ancestrales pactados con Estados Unidos y la creación un propio país ...
Los indios lakota se independizan 20 minutos - 20 Dic 2007Los indios lakota, una tribu sioux, son los descendientes de varios nombres de leyenda, como Toro Sentado o Caballo Loco. Y fieles a sus orígenes mantienen ...
Los indios Sioux rompen los tratados firmados por sus ancestros ... AFP - 20 Dic 2007 Una delegación de responsables Lakota indicó en un mensaje al Departamento de Estado el lunes que se retirarían unilateralmente de los tratados firmados con ...
Índios sioux rompem tratados firmados com os EUA há 150 anos AFP - 20 dez. 2007Uma delegação dos Lakota informou sua decisão ao Departamento de Estado na segunda-feira passada, quebrando unilateralmente os tratados assinados ...
Índios sioux rompem tratados firmados com os EUA há 150 anos AFP - 20 Dez 2007 Uma delegação dos Lakota informou sua decisão ao Departamento de Estado na segunda-feira passada, quebrando unilateralmente os tratados assinados com o ...
Lakota-indianen stappen uit Verenigde Staten Brabants Dagblad - 20 dec 2007 WASHINGTON (ANP) - De Lakota-indianen beschouwen zich niet langer als burgers van de Verenigde Staten. Zij zegden de verdragen met de federale regering op ...
Lakota-indianen zeggen akkoorden met VS op Knack - 20 dec 2007 De Lakota-indianen (de Sioux), waartoe onder andere de grote leiders Sitting Bull en Crazy Horse behoorden, hebben de akkoorden verbroken die hun ...
Lakota-indianen stappen uit de VS RTL Nieuws - 20 dec 2007 Ze roepen de 70.000 Lakota-indianen op om hun staatsburgerschap op te geven en geen belasting meer te betalen. De Lakota-indianen behoren tot de bekende ...
Lakota-indianen stappen uit de VS Reformatorisch Dagblad - 21 dec 2007 NEW YORK - De Lakota-indianen beschouwen zich niet langer als burgers van de Verenigde Staten. Zij hebben gisteren de verdragen met de federale regering ...
Nazaten van Sitting Bull roepen onafhankelijkheid uit De Morgen - 20 dec 2007De Lakota-indianen, die ooit legendarische krijgers als Sitting Bull en Crazy Horse voortbrachten, hebben zichzelf onafhankelijk verklaard van de Verenigde ...
美國蘇族印第安人表示要脫離美國並宣布獨立俄羅斯新聞網 - 2007年12月20日CN莫斯科12月21日電印地安蘇族拉科塔部落(Lakota)的代表們12月19日表示要廢除其祖先150多年前與美國簽訂的條約。 法新社報道,印地安蘇族拉科塔人代表拉塞爾·米恩斯(Russell Means)在華盛頓舉行的記者招待會上表示,拉科塔人“再也不是美國公民了”,並邀請拉科塔人所處 ...
Sioux wollen los von den USA - 22. Dez. 2007 Nordamerikas Indianer gehen auf die Barrikaden: Mitte der Woche erklärten die Lakota-Sioux alle Verträge mit der Regierung für nichtig - und präsentierten ...
Sezession von Washington Junge qu- 21. Dez. 2007 Von Rainer Rupp Die Nachkommen von Sitting Bull und Crazy Horse
ÉTATS-UNIS • Les Indiens Lakota veulent leur indépendanceCourrier International - 24 déc 2007Plusieurs membres de la tribu Lakota [l'une des trois grandes tribus sioux], militants autoproclamés de la liberté, ont officiellement annoncé, ...
Secession à Washington : La nation Lakota déclare son indépendanceBellaciao - 23 déc 2007Les descendants de Sitting Bull et Crazy Horse, actuels dirigeants des Indiens Lakota (plus connus sous le nom de Sioux, NdT), ont déclaré jeudi 20 Décembre ...
Le coup de sang d'un SiouxLe Temps (Abonnement) - 23 déc 2007Un leader de la tribu des Lakota appelle les siens à déterrer la hache de guerre et à faire sédition. Controverse. Certains disent de lui qu'il est le Sioux ...
Les Sioux sur le sentier de la libertél'Humanité - 22 déc 2007Des leaders Lakota vont se rendre en délégation auprès des ambassades de Bolivie, du Chili, d’Afrique du Sud et du Venezuela pour des missions diplomatiques ..., die heutigen Anführer der Lakota-Indianer, haben am Donnerstag (Ortszeit) in Washington ...
美國蘇族印第安人表示要脫離美國並宣布獨立俄羅斯新聞網 - 2007年12月20日CN莫斯科12月21日電印地安蘇族拉科塔部落(Lakota)的代表們12月19日表示要廢除其祖先150多年前與美國簽訂的條約。 法新社報道,印地安蘇族拉科塔人代表拉塞爾·米恩斯(Russell Means)在華盛頓舉行的記者招待會上表示,拉科塔人“再也不是美國公民了”,並邀請拉科塔人所處 ...
岳東曉﹕2008奧運之際﹐或是兩岸統一之機多維新聞網 - 2007年12月23日最近﹐LAKOTA印第安人宣布中止與美國的條約﹐宣布自立國家﹐從法律上說這是完全成立的﹐整個美國原是印第安人的﹐印第安部落本來就具有主權。但沒有槍杆子﹐政權從何談起﹖中國國家統一﹐無不流血而成﹐今未聞有因統一臺灣而動武者﹐此臺獨猖獗﹑外力叫囂之故也。 ...
Bosnia: A video blogger in Bosnia talks about the Lakota Freedom Delegation:
Iran: Press TV
Denmark: IBRAHEEM: Denmark Sat, 22 Dec 2007 19:30:48
Story link: A Declaration of Independence from the USA This is exceedingly interesting - having visited the Lakota website their claims seem to be solidly based in law. We should wish them the best of luck and send them our support. May all other Indian groups in the US follow!! That might finally give the US such a huge problem at home that it might get distracted from forcing its own idiotic and toxic way of life on the rest of the world. Personally I have long referred to the Native Americans as the New World's Palestinians - and I am sure Israel will sit up and take note of these developments!
Priests, lock down, in the hole, for protesting US torture

Dear friends,
Betsy Lamb and Fr. Jerry Zawada remain at the CCA in Florence, Arizona, awaiting their February 4 trial along with Mary Burton Riseley.
Fr. Louie Vitale is doing fine in the solitude of 23 hour lock-down at the Imperial County Jail. He has plenty of time for reading,writing and prayer. He has had different cellmates occasionally.
Several days after being sent to the privately owned Correctional Institution in Taft, California, Fr. Steve Kelly was moved to administrative segregation ("the hole") because of his refusal to work. This is a stand he has also taken while locked up in the past,not wanting to participate in keeping the prison running smoothly.
Steve didn't have access to stamps right away, and hasn't been ableto call. We finally got a letter from him explaining his current situation. He's been receiving his mail, and reports having sometime outside. He is allowed a 5 minute phone call once a month, andhas limited access to commissary. We haven't been able to get avisiting form, and it looks unlikely that he will be able to havevisits. He was told that he will remain in the hole for the remainder of his sentence. Like Louie, he has ample time forreading, writing and prayer.
You can find prison addresses and other support details for all fourat
They are appreciative of all of the letters and support they are receiving. They are also grateful for all of your efforts to bring about an end to war, torture and nuclear weapons.
Best wishes in the new year,Feliceon behalf of Torture on Trial
>From Fr. Jerry Zawada:
My Dear Friends-all who bring messages of hope.
"Each one of us can do something", Dorothy Day, Mother Teresa and other inspired leaders of our lifetime agree. No one is left out, when we do what we can to bring Truth into focus and to strive for much needed change. Like YOU!
I feel it, and know it, because of what you tell me in your letters,because of the strength you give me and my companions from our actions at Ft. Huachuca in Southern Arizona.
As much as I would like to answer every letter personally-some 100 in the past two and a half weeks-I am unable to do so. Throughout this time I've only been allowed 20 postage stamps and not allowed to purchase any more from commissary till the New Year.
Just about everyone in prison for matters of justice, peace, truth, and nonviolence feels called to a brighter future for so many struggling to build a new life for themselves; a sacred mission for sure.
And again, you are part of that mission. None of my companions here at cell block 400-G have the kind of support you give me. I want to share your goodness with them.
Despite my inability to respond by letter, I want to let you know that you are very much with me. I sense your presence, your giftedness and mine to be able to continue. I hold you in my heart,my thoughts and prayers in gratitude for all that you're about. Yours is not a letter wasted.
"Each of us can do something." you're doing it! Thank you. May the light of God's blessing shine on you. May 2008 be the year Mother Earth and all God's creatures begin to sigh relief.
Peace-Solidarity always!
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Help Alex and Deb White Plume build a new home
Donations that are needed include:
1. cash
2. fuel
3. wall-mart cards
4. cards for Lowe's and Menard's home improvement stores appropriate foods/coffee/comfort
Hello everyone-
Jeremy and I visited Alex at the house yesterday. As expected, he was almost his usual self despite these happenings. He greeted us with the usual "I'll be damned and go to hell!"... Just a handful of items have been found, otherwise it is all gone; very spooky to notice the house missing even from the highway. The westside poured concrete foundation, under what was a modular (old part) may be savable, the big addition is done for foundation wise. I have noticed quite a few things in my possession, particularly books I didn't ask to borrow, that I can now return! I'm sure everyone has ideas there. For the time being Deb and Alex are still at the casino hotel; they have a day or two to make a more permanent plan. Roy Crazy Bull, who has been ranch hand this year, is a hard worker and has the old line shack fixed up comfortably; he is gone with the Bigfoot Riders right now, so at least Alex is staying out there.
We discussed rebuilding plans, but for now, it seems that an adequate trailer is needed to start for the winter. Cash, fuel, toiletries, food, clothing are appropriate, there isn't anyplace to put anything else yet.
We started a working drawing for a round home, with all the renewable/natural aspects we have been working on for some time now; It will probably consist of much black hills stone for peace of mind. We have a large multi-ton truck, and access to stone on private properties around Hot Springs and elsewhere.
That's what I know, feel free to contact me with any ideas; when things like this happen on the rez, there seems to be too much of certain things
(clothes) and not enough of other things. I'm talking to people in the area construction industry to see what they have to donate; you wouldn't believe what is thrown away. We have learned in the past that distant construction materials are too hard to get here. We have 9 tons of trim board and not one 2X4, so I intend to do the best I can to steer people who want to help towards practical materials. Menards and Lowes gift cards would be big when we start to build. I have stockpiled many items in the metal building at Kiza Park intended for the community center, so please check with me to see if we already have something. We are already sitting on sinks, stoves, toilets, etc.
wopila - toksa,
Kent Lebsock
Owe Aku (Bring Back the Way)
International Justice & Human Rights Project
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Mohawk Warriors support Lakotas' withdrawl from US
By Kahentinetha Horn
Mohawk Nation News
Dec. 25, 2007. The times, they are a changin’. Go to the website. There you’ll see Canupa GluhaMani of the Strong Heart Warrior Society of the Lakota Nation cutting up his colonial driver’s license. He’s doing this because on December17th 2007 the Lakota delivered their “Declaration of Continuing Independence," just in time for the Winter Solstice.
The history of Lakota with the U.S. is long, complex and tragic. They knew something had to change. After the Wounded Knee Occupation of 1973, the International Indian Treaty Council was established. From June 8 to 16 1974 the Council called for a “Western Hemisphere”Conference at Standing Rock Sioux. Over 5000 delegates of 97Indigenous Peoples from the Americas gathered. The “manifesto”that was created on that occasion supports the rights of all Indigenous Peoples to live free and take whatever actions are necessary to uphold our sovereignty.
It is rumored that President of Russia, Vladimir Putin, a powerful world leader, said today that he is considering recognizing the Lakota as an independent nation. Withdrawing from the treaties is entirely legal. It is within the laws on treaties passed at the Vienna Convention and putinto effect by the U.S. and the rest of the international community in 1980.
The Lakota never relinquished their lands and have always refused to accept payment estimated close to $1 billion to give up their sovereignty and nationhood. Offering to buy us out means they are acknowledging our sovereignty.
They declared the obvious. The lands belong to the various Indigenous peoples and are clearly defined by the treaties. Where there are no treaties, the U.S. and Canada are squatters. Plain and simple! The indigenous people have the same rights under international law as anyone else, whether a country chooses to acknowledge it or not,as in South Africa. Our vast tracts of land, which have been cared for by our ancestors, continue to be ours despite the delusional fraudulent claims of the colonizing states.Treaties concluded through bribery and with colonial puppets,instead of with valid representatives of our people, are not legal.
It should be borne in mind that most, not all, of the treaties ever made with the colonizers granted them only very limited rights that fall far short of the greedy advantages they imagined. They had no intention of ever living up to any treaty. They were hellbent on stealing everything. The U.S. and Canada came as profiteers and fraudulently tried to steal all our assets.
Such documents were concocted in clear violation of international law then and now. This requires the informed consent of the people concerned. No state can incorporate another unless a clear majority of the people has expressed consent through fairly conducted democratic processes based on a clear question.
The Six Nations Confederacy and the Algonquins are the titleholders of most of the eastern half of what is known as the colonies of Canada and northeastern U.S. Our Indigenous laws prohibit alienation of our lands. We hold them as trustees for the coming unborn generations. We refuse to surrender our lands. The implementation of the Indian Act and federal Indian law is genocidal.According to article VI of the U.S. Constitution, treaties represent the Supreme Law of the Land binding each party to an inviolable international relationship. Those without treaties with the colonists hold their lands independent and free. The only legal authority is Indigenous. Article II sets out the primary nation-to-nation relationship.
In Canada Section 109 of the British North America Act 1867 respects the primary authority of the Indigenous peoples.The U.S. and Canada have violated the independent Indigenous Peoples by “clerical” action, edicts and pronouncements violating our international treaty rights and authority.
The Lakota declaration of withdrawal from the Treaty of Laramie 1868is vested in the power of the Lakota people and the children. One individual does not represent the nation. The nation represents the individual. The withdrawal is for the people, elders, mothers, father sand children including the unborn faces beneath the ground.
The Treaty of Laramie was never honored. It’s been a colonial catastrophe, which was not its intent on our part. Indigenous children are still being taken away putting them out of balance from learning the traditional life ways. The true way is to be free and left to govern and look after our own with the teachings of the animal nations. This is about the Lakota Nation and the Animal People who are no longer here. “We are the Lakota Nation of Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota,Wyoming and Montana”. We are alerting the Family of Nations of our action with the backing of Indigenous, international and U.S. law.
Should all Indigenous nations of Onowaregeh, Turtle Island, assert our freedom and independence, what would happen? The action of the“Lakota” is going to have repercussions far and wide.The colonists would go out of business, especially the oligarchs. They would have to work out agreements with all the Indigenous people on whose land they are squatting. Indigenous “liens” on buildings,development, resource extraction and all activities on our land will have to be governed and executed by us. Each Indigenous nation will assert our power over our lands, assets and resources. The colonies of U.S.and Canada will just have to become law abiding. They will have to learn to respect indigenous and international law. This will not bring catastrophe for the ordinary people living on our land. They just have to come to terms with the reality that they are living within our jurisdiction,that they are visitors on our land and that they are required to follow our law.The pointlessness of their former reliance on their handpicked “Indian”puppets set up by the colonial Indian Act band councils and federal Indian law tribal councils will become obvious. These sell-outs will have to live amongst their relatives without colonial power and support.Whisky, money and guns will lose their mystical attraction.
The Lakota call upon the world to support this struggle for sovereignty and treaty rights. They pledge their assistance to all sovereign people who seek their independence.The Lakota have invited those living on their lands to join them. Lakota will issue permits to them, passports, driver’s licenses and other documents. Living there would be tax free providing the residents renounce their U.S. citizenship.
The Lakotah are to open negotiations with the State Department of the U.S. government to establish diplomatic relations. They are setting up offices in Washington and New York City.Are we going to see the other nations of Turtle Island asserting sovereignty? Don’t let those “dirty rotten lawyers” meddle or intervene.They’re not the ones who decide what the law is. The law belongs to the people. As our ancestors told us, “One nation will take the issue so far.Then another will take it further. Until we all regain everything that is ours”.So who’s next?
Kahentinetha Horn
MNN Mohawk Nation News
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Contact: Jennifer Tsun,
Get Busy: Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty Tel 416-325-1941
dmcquinty.mpp@liberal.ola.org an online form.
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$20.00 usd
Who's Sorry Now? The good, the bad and the unapologetic Mohawks of Kanehsatake
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Atlantic Free Press: When Internet news become dangerous
From the Netherlands, the U.K. and Canada the editorial team here at Atlantic and Pacific Free Press wishes you all a wonderful holiday season.
Dear Contributors,
American writer, media analyst and New Yorker magazine alumni A. J. Liebling, 1904-1963 once wrote:
"The function of the press in society is to inform, but its role in society is to make money.”
In the New Age of Media in a New Age of Information this is clearly no longer the case.
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During a recent head-on collision with the NRA, Atlantic Free Press received many emails from members of the organization who threatened to contact our advertisers and threatened to cancell their subscription to our magazine. I was rather bemused. We do carry ads from progressive companies and organizations via blogads (helps cover the server costs) but to contact them to stop would be rather futile. We don't rely in any way on what advertising we have to exist. Nor do we have a paid subscription service so threats in that department are moot.
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- Atlantic Free Press celebrated it's first anniversary in September 2007 with nearly 3000 articles published the first year.
The article which launched the collision was this one by Jayne Lyn Stahl
Published with permission of the Atlantic Free Press.
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Desert Rock: Dirty power plant deal keeps getting dirtier
Dooda Desert Rock
P.O. Box 7838
Newcomb, Navajo Nation
(New Mexico) 87455
December 24, 2007
By Elouise Brown
LITTLEWATER, N. M. -- Stephen C. Begay, the general manager of the Dine Power Authority, keeps banging the drum about the benefits of the Desert Rock mine-mouth power plant to Navajos. He says that “The Desert Rock energy project will bring economic, social and environmental benefits for the Navajo people.” I think that it is time to call him and his corporate partners to task for making statements they have not proved.
Our organization represents, and is made of up of, people who live on the land. When we say “the Navajo people,” we mean those who live with us. The document that is important for this discussion is the May 2007 draft environmental impact statement. It was prepared by URS, a San Francisco engineering and construction firm that brags that it is one of the largest such global firms there is. One of the things it had to do when assessing impact was comply with a 1994 executive order that required it to weigh the impacts of the power plant on our people as an ethnic minority and a low-income population. That was and is the “environmental justice” legal requirement. The URS discussion of that was totally inadequate because it did not discuss why the destruction of our traditional economy is of any benefit to us.
The financial setup is that a subsidiary of Sithe Global will pay the central government of the Navajo Nation to use the land; it will buy Navajo Nation coal; and pay royalties on the coal. We have not been told the exact deal. The money will go to Window Rock to feed the central bureaucracy.
There is no discussion of revenue sharing for the impacted chapters in the EIS. There is no projection of tax revenues that might possibly go to the chapters. While there is discussion of economic development projects in the Northern Agency that require funding, there is no plan to fund them. The EIS talks about construction jobs, but it does not offer any projection of numbers and kinds of jobs or anticipated payroll. It says that the new energy and wage economy will be a good deal for us, but it does not say how. It does not adequately address the destruction of our traditional economy or the impact of energy boom and bust on our rural communities.
I followed Mr. Begay and two Navajo Nation Council committees to Las Vegas and found the casino where they met. The presentation mentioned the construction contract given to the Fluor Corporation last September and notes that “the Navajo Government did not execute any agreements” [with it]. That means there will be no Navajo Nation control of Fluor. Since it did not sign a contract with the Navajo Nation, it will likely claim that the Nation has no authority to regulate it—as a “non-Indian” corporation. If anyone doubts that, they can ask whether the Navajo Preference in Employment Act applies to the Four Corners Power Plant on Navajo Nation trust land. (The answer is that APS is free of Navajo Nation control of its labor operations.)
One of the slides talks about “Navajo opportunities” and notes that housing will be required for construction labor. I live in the area, and I have heard no discussion of any housing project near the plant. I have seen no plans for even trailer parks or the other kinds of temporary housing that usually accompany energy boom economies. They talked about buying supplies and services, but there is no projection of what will be bought or how buying goods and services will benefit Navajo business.
The only discussions I have seen about any actual benefit to the people on the land are the wish lists of false promises the Nenahnezad Chapter adopted when it approved a land withdrawal. The chapter boundary with the Burnham Chapter is unsettled, and it rejected an approval resolution (as did the Sanostee Chapter). (A news story on the Sanostee resolution said that the chapter’s “wish list” was not disclosed). The Nenahnezad resolution has a promise that Mr. Begay’s staff will help it with its Local Governance Act certification. How is that going? Why isn’t DPA helping other chapters in the area get their certifications?
The problem is that the central government in Window Rock keeps trying to fool us, “the Navajo people,” with its version of trickle-down economics. Enough is enough. Yes, the power plant and coal mine will put money into the general fund in Window Rock. Yes, there will be construction workers and plant employees with salaries. As it is with the Four Corners Power Plant and the expanded Raytheon cannon projectile factory at NAPI, the workers will get their housing and consumer goods off-reservation.
There is mention of the Conference on Climate Change that just ended in Bali, and Mr. Begay seems to think that its outcomes favor his coal-fired power plant. I’m sorry, but the news of the day is that the Bali accords call for an end to coal-fired plants, not approval of new ones. Why is there an attempt to deceive us about what happened in Bali?
We have a challenge for Stephen C. Begay and his friends at Sithe Global: Stop beating your chests. Spell it out. Precisely what economic benefits will there be for us, the local “Navajo people”? How much money will go to the chapters? How many jobs will there be? What kinds of jobs will they be? Where will the temporary and long-term workers live and spend their consumer dollars?
Tell us please, as part of the legal obligation to discuss environmental justice, how is the destruction of our traditional economy and lifestyle a “social benefit” for us?
And do read the information coming out of Bali to explain precisely how a power plant that emits pollution and greenhouse gases will be of any environmental benefit to us, “the Navajo people” who live on the land.
Elouise Brown
Mohawk Nation News: 'Red Ops' spies ousted in Algonquin meeting
Mohawk Nation News
By Kahentinetha Horn
Dec. 23, 2007. Three intrepid MNN reporters were invited to
Pembroke to cover a meeting of Algonquins. It was held in the
Knights of Columbus Hall, which doesn’t sound good. It was
ostensibly to discuss their main current problems of illegal uranium
mining and the fake “Algonquin” negotiators of their land claims.
They were also battling the racist Ontario Federation of Hunters
and Anglers for their hunting rights. They won a court case which
was appealed successfully by another government department.
All this turned out to be a front for “Operation Red Death”, known
as “Red Ops”.
Mohawks were invited by the Algonquins to work with them. Both
are concerned about the Ottawa and St. Lawrence River watershed
which goes right by Kanehsatake, Kahnawake, Akwesasne and
Tyendinaga. The big mystery is why doesn’t’ the health of the
environment in this heavily populated area interest the Canadian
ACT I. OPENING. We were greeted enthusiastically by the first
operative we will call “the Moth”. He looked a bit like a cleric. The
drummer invited us to sit in the circle. They opened the meeting in
the Algonquin language. In the middle were a drum and three
drummers. They were genuine. The Algonquins are mostly
hunters and fishermen from the back woods.
Then along came Mike “Wants-to-be-Eastwood” Swinwood who
got up and started the “hootenanny”.
While we natives sat around in our plain apparel, Mike Swinwood,
a non-native, who thought he was running the show, was dressed
up in a cape with gold and silver rings on every finger of both hands,
including his thumbs. He was wearing an unusual under garment
where the sleeves had thumb hooks, like a woman’s costume. This
is “Goth” wear. He looked like a character sent over by “central
casting” for a failed B movie. We thought he was trying to imitate
Clint Eastwood. One of the reporters was immediately suspicious
of his get-up and demeanor and started giggling. The other two told
her, as hard as it was, to “keep a straight face”.
We quickly saw that we had strolled into a set up, the nature of which
soon became apparent, about five minutes into the performance. He
thought he was the “great white hope” and that we were the bit players.
A kindhearted old man who obviously had little to spare, went out and
bought us coffee and donuts. The strategy is to have no coffee and
food so that people will become hungry, uncomfortable and restless
and the “operative” can get what he wants.
We deduced that this operation is probably going on everywhere that
corporations are trying to claim our fair land and resources. Planners
want to confuse, destroy and control the legitimate debate on real
Indigenous issues. It was meant to be a waste of time for the Algonquins.
The orchestrators emphasized “unity”, “universalism”, and off-the-wall
crackpot spirituality called “new-age-speak”. It came out as false piety
and false humility. Swinwood works closely with Father Michael Stogre
who wrote “That You May believe - the Development of Papal Thought
on Aboriginal Rights”. The papacy seems to think it has the low-down
on everything and they are going to tell us how the world works - the
Gospel according to them.
Intelligence gathering was part of it. It all goes into a data bank built on
the assumption that intelligence is a rare commodity that can only be
found in sacred places like the Vatican, London, Paris and Washington.
He talked glibly but said nothing. He sort of skated around in front of us.
We stared at him, like we were at the “Ice Capades” at the Bell Center in
“You’re going to hear things you’ve never heard before”, said he. This
is when we realized an old strategy had been repackaged. It’s called
“Operation Pacification”. In the grand old Christian tradition they
purported to be personal prophets of such as Dekanawida and they
had a message for us. Get it?
Swinwood mentioned the “white buffalo calf” prophecy but did not
expound on it. He said he worked pro bono with the Blackfeet in
Alberta. He did not mention his foray into Akwesasne about two years
ago where he held the same kind of “tent” meeting at the Hogansburgh
Kateri Hall [Kateri is supposed to be close to sainthood]. Did the Pope
give him a deal? Is he getting hefty donations from the Catholic Church?
Did he fall into a time machine and think he could do 18th Century
conversions to save us all from hell-fire and damnation?
This was just too much. The Mohawks started laughing and giggling
through the whole play. His two cohorts were Pierre Fournier and
Tony Hall of the University of Lethbridge. These scam artists wanted
us to give them money. His adventures among the Mohawks fell flat.
Fournier died shortly after and Tony abandoned the “Good Ship Lolly
Pop”. Now Swinwood says he’s devoting himself to the Algonquins
[according to University of Lethbridge website he works with the Jesuits
who, as we know, are the “soldiers of the Catholic Church responsible
for warfare”]. How did the Algonquins get so lucky?
The whole purpose of Red Ops is to get 50 signatures from various
communities so they can move forward on us. He calls it the “League
of Indian Nations of North America”. Pierre Fournier, also a non-
native, claimed to have been born in the middle of a longhouse right
in front of a clan mother and was therefore “sovereign” [Could he
instantly walk on water?]
On one side of the circle sat Mike “Wannabe Clint” Swinwood, “Feel
Good” Jane and an old man with a beard [no it wasn’t St. Nick].
The Algonquins have 9 million or more acres of unsurrendered land.
Is it Indian Affairs, CSIS, CIA, MI-5, the Catholic cleric brigade or some
corporate entity or a bunch nuts or all of them? Mike lives in a ritzy
section of Almonte near Ottawa and no one knows how he makes a
living. He works pro bono for all kinds of Indigenous groups. He did
not ask the Algonquins for money because he knows they’ are poor
as church mice.
ACT II. NITTY GRITTY DIRT. Then Swinwood called up “Feel Good”
Jane to the stage. She talked about her dreams and visions which
also touched on the theme of unity. She said she awoke from her
dream with bruises all over the side of her body. She had one dream
and promised another 30 days, just in time for the next meeting.
A young guy got up and reinforced the prophecy, visions and unity
theme. Then a woman who said she was a “Commanche law student”
got up and gave a sob story on the past hurts of the “Indians” in the
U.S. and Canada, from a script. She urged us to regress and keep
thinking about how bad we’ve been treated. Her intended effect was
to keep us dwelling on the past and never moving forward. It’s hard
to say whether she was a trainee for CSIS or the church, but we
noticed she had a French-Canadian accent. Is this getting weird?
They refused to deal with the crisis at hand and never answered any
questions. Instead Swinwood, known as the “asset” in the Red Ops
game tried to keep the meeting on the intended agenda of pacification.
How does Red Ops work? The government or agency that has targeted
a group finds a “handler” who trains and guides the “assets”. CSIS has
an Indigenous sector that appears to coordinate with Indian Affairs and
anybody else who wants to do us in. The asset is the point man who
infiltrates the group and sets up the meetings and sends out the invitations.
He brings with him his lower level “assets”. In this case there were five.
Each one had a script that appeared to have been rehearsed and followed
‘religiously’. They barely noticed the Algonquins.
Then each asset, on cue, by “Dirty Harry” Swinwood, waving an eagle
feather, would get up and reinforce the theme of unity, prophecy,
universalism and to join his movement. “Good, Bad & Ugly” Swinwood
wants to represent them in their dealings with governments and corporate
agencies. He needed their permission by the end of the meeting so
Algonquins can put their fate into his ringed fingers. Do they think
we don’t know that universalization is the “One World Order”?
Everyone sat there mesmerized and zoned out until one of the reporters
got up and spoke. They mentioned basically how the Mohawks took
the bull by the horns and dismantled five land claims by New York State
without using lawyers. They were encouraged to use their own minds
and stop relying on dirty rotten lawyers and other dubious pro bono
types. Stick to Indigenous law and don’t let anyone lead us into secret
deals like “side bars”, “caveats” and “without prejudice” letters.
When it was over, the guy with the beard, who appeared to be the
evaluator of his protégé, Swinwood, came over and said to MNN,
“I know what you did. You just undid everything” and then walked away.
Then Feel Good Jane handed out her latest slicked up and expensively
made CD on the theme of universalism, bitching, crying, moaning and
sad stories all meant to reinforce their agenda of sadness and no hope.
The effect was to keep us thinking about the past hurt inflicted on us by
sicko colonists and to keep us stuck in this zoned-out space. It’s meant
to keep us from facing reality, using our minds and fighting for our rights.
They’re trying to keep us “fogged up” while they rob us blind. Throughout
the “Moth” was signaling the “assets” like a maestro, thinking we did not
see him doing it. They want to sabotage our momentum.
ACT III. FADE TO BLACK. Swinwood quickly left because his applecart
was upset. All we could see was his poncho flapping in the wind as he f
lew out into the cold night air like a dirty skunk.
He probably sped to his handlers to give them a report on “how successful
the meeting was”. We are hoping this is the end of their bag of lies. We
aren’t expecting it because you have to be a Christian to believe in Santa
Claus. Can things get weirder? Stay tuned! FIN.
Kahentinetha Horn
MNN Mohawk Nation News
New MNN Books Available Now!
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Mohawk Warriors Three - The Trial of Lasagna, Noriega, 20/20$20.00 usd
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$20.00 usd
Who's Sorry Now? The good, the bad and the unapologetic Mohawks of Kanehsatake
$20.00 usd
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Thursday, December 20, 2007
Mohawk Nation News: Sinister coverup at Chalk River
Mohawk Nation News
Dec. 20, 2007
Gordon Edwards, of the Canadian Coalition for Nuclear Responsibility, raised serious concerns about the “Maple” reactor delays at Chalk River. "An important aspect of the isotope-production fiasco on Algonquin territory is being ignored. AECL "Atomic Energy of Canada Limited" uses 95 per cent highly enriched “weapons-grade” uranium HEU to make the main isotope (Molybdenum-99). This can be made using low-enriched uranium LEU which is NOT weapons-usable material, but is more expensive. Somebody wants to make isotopes and bombs cheaply!
He continued, “It’s easier to make a very powerful bomb with weapons -grade uranium like the one dropped on Hiroshima in 1945”. The only stockpile of weapons-grade uranium in Canada is at Chalk River, less than 200 kilometers up the Ottawa River from Canada’s capital. The Canadian public and Members of Parliament are told they are for “essential and life saving” medical isotope production. However, there’s enough there to build two or more atom bombs and the stockpile is increasing.
Why is the Canadian company, MDS Nordion, that sells the isotopes, ordering more of the risky weapons grade uranium from the U.S.? Why do Canada and the U.S. allow this hazardous material to be transported over regular highways, rails and air? The U.S. warns the towns where these materials are being transported. Not in Canada!
Hey, wait a minute? How medically necessary is this weapons grade uranium anyway? How did humans thrive and survive without isotopes? There are definitely cases where people’s lives have been saved using the new technology. But are we being sold a bill of goods? The isotopes should be made with uranium that is not weapons grade. If we care about having generations to come, do we not also have a responsibility to make sure they have a safe and clean environment to live in?
What about the international weapons shysters that like to wheel and deal with Canadian Prime Ministers and other heads of states? They have set up a situation where a valid medical use is being used to camouflage deadly life destroying practices. Gordon Edwards, who has a lot more high tech knowledge than we do, worries that Canada’s Members of Parliament have been bamboozled?
On December 11th every Member and Senator voted in favor of restarting the old decommissioned NRU (National Research Universal) reactor. The “scheduled 2005” maintenance was not done. Its reopening goes against the advice of the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission. What’s the point of setting up a committee of experts if you’re not going to listen to them? Are there other ways to deal with a temporary shortage of medical isotopes created by the construction delays without threatening human life on earth? Couldn’t people cut the use of MRIs for the investigation of conditions that are not life threatening?
The isotope shortage could have been avoided if two AECL reactors, Maple 1 and 2, had been completed on schedule in the early part of the decade. It’s been put off year by year over safety concerns. ACRs (Advanced CANDU Reactors) being proposed for Northern Alberta and the MAPLE reactors being built at Chalk River, Ontario, are very different.
The MAPLE reactors were designed to have a "negative power coefficient of reactivity" (PCR). In fact they have shown the opposite - namely a POSITIVE PCR. For safety, a negative PCR is good and a positive PCR is bad. Neither AECL nor CNSC (Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission)
understands WHY there is all this positive PCR inside the reactor. Is this because only “weapons grade” uranium is being used? We could all be in for some very nasty surprises.
The ACR(Advanced Candu) reactors were designed to have a "negative void coefficient of reactivity" (VCR). The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission USNRC concluded the opposite. Under certain accident conditions, the ACR reactors could have a "substantially" POSITIVE VCR. As we said, a negative VCR is good and a positive VCR is bad. Since nobody has ever built an ACR, the two groups of experts, AECL (Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd.) and USNRC, disagree. There is no analysis except on paper and using computer models. Both don’t understand what is going on in the core of an ACR reactor.
All it takes is not knowing about some as yet undiscovered force of nature that could invalidate everything the experts thought they knew. Think of the changes we’ve seen in our lifetime. Cars, radios, televisions and cell phones, all based on great discoveries. Their by-products have been “Love Canal”, Minamata Disease, Chernobyl. Human error has been a large factor in these
man-made disasters.
Most of these technical wonders and environmental nightmares are less than a century old. We’re down to the last 10% of fish stocks! We’re still living with the delusion that there is some pristinely healthy corner of the natural world somewhere that we have not polluted beyond the capacity of life to continue as we know it. When we ignore what the few experts who have had the time to develop a real understanding of these potent technologies, what are we asking for?
The public should wake up and throw the bums out who won't listen. Is outer space their way of escaping the disaster they’ve created? It is becoming increasing evident that scientific investigation in all fields of study is twisted to support political and capitalist interests of one kind of another. The once sacrosanct scientific rule of neutral and objective observation and analysis has been abandoned. The objective should be public safety, not commercial profit, collegiality, party loyalty or “good press”.
The MAPLE reactors are small -- generating about 10 megawatts of heat. The ACR 1000 (Candu) generates about 3300 megawatts of heat. 1100 megawatts are converted into electricity and the other 2200 megawatts are "waste heat" which goes into the environment in some form. We wonder why we have global warming! The MAPLE reactors produce no electricity. They produce "isotopes", which are radioactive materials created through the bombardment of various "target" materials by neutrons. These are released into the fuel of the reactor. Some neutrons are converted into new radioactive materials that can be used in medicine, industry, and research.
The ACR-1000 reactors produce electricity. The fissioning of the uranium atoms in the fuel generates a tremendous number of neutrons and a great deal of heat.
That heat is used to boil water in the "steam generators", and the steam is used to spin a turbine, thereby generating electricity.In all nuclear reactors, the number of neutrons must be kept within limits -- not too few, or the reaction will stop; not too many, or the nuclear chain reaction will "run away" and go out of control. If not stopped within seconds, the core of the reactor can “melt down”. Unwanted energy is released, which can lead to explosions. If the shell is cracked, a cloud of radioactive gases and vapors rise into the atmosphere and goes who knows where.
As Dr. Strangelove might say: “People are getting stupider!” What does our future hold? As the Indigenous people say, “We need creation. Creation does not need us”.
Kahentinetha Horn
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Tuesday, December 18, 2007
International Migrants Day, Scathing report on US human rights abuses
Contact: Colin Rajah, 510-465-1984 ext. 306
Arnoldo Garcia, 510-465-1984 ext. 305
On International Migrants Day, Immigrant Rights Organization Issues Scathing Report on Human Rights Violations in U.S.
OAKLAND, Calif. -- As they honor International Migrants Day (IMD) today, immigrant communities are mobilizing around the country to condemn restrictive and repressive U.S. immigration laws and to call for immigration policies based on the principles of dignity, justice, and equality. At the same time, the National Network for Immigrant and Refugee Rights (NNIRR), a national alliance of local coalitions and immigrant, refugee, community, religious, civil rights and labor organizations and activists, released a summary of its first annual report on human rights abuses committed against immigrant and refugee communities titled Over-Raided, Under Siege: U.S. Immigration Laws and Enforcement Destroy the Rights of Immigrants. The full report will be released at NNIRR’s national conference in Houston, Texas, on January 18. Produced by NNIRR’s new initiative, the Human Rights Immigrant Community Action Network (HURRICANE), the report analyzes over 100 stories of human rights abuses, interviews with community leaders and numerous reports and data that exposes the patterns of human rights violations perpetrated against immigrants in the U.S. Over-Raided, Under Seige reports on how the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is leading a new type of assault on the lives, rights and well-being of immigrant families, workers and communities in the U.S. The report’s co-author Arnoldo Garcia commented, “Immigration enforcement and border control policies enacted by the U.S. government and enforced by ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) are placing immigrant communities under siege and community members are subjected to racial profiling, detentions and deportations.” He added, “This in turn is fueling a humanitarian crisis and forcing immigrants to risk their lives daily, and causing untold suffering, deaths and disappearances of hundreds of immigrants every year.” The report documents how the U.S.-Mexico border region has experienced intensified militarization, becoming a de-constitutionalized zone. The report details that this crisis follows immigrants into the interior due to ICE’s deliberate utilization of high-profile raids in immigrant communities and workplaces as a political response against immigrant rights efforts -- thereby striking fear in those communities and endangering the public safety. It also highlights how such government efforts act as a catalyst for increasing xenophobia and increasing immigrant communities’ vulnerability to abuse and violence by concluding: “With the DHS’s ICE, Border Patrol and other local and state law enforcement agencies operating without accountability or effective oversight, immigrants have become especially vulnerable to abuse and violence. Now, immigrants, whether they are documented or undocumented, are the almost exclusive scapegoat for the faltering economy, the deterioration of services and social problems. In this officially condoned anti-immigrant climate, racial profiling, exploitation in the workplace, hate violence and other public policies are being used to deliberately force immigrants to leave or exist in the shadows.” The report will offer recommendations on U.S. government responsibility to prevent further human rights violations against immigrant communities. NNIRR also released today a national statement endorsed by almost 100 organizations and calling for greater recognition of the human rights of all immigrants. The annual December 18 statement expressed concern that “migration policies and practices are failing to protect the human rights of migrants, and in many cases, cause or contribute to greater and systematic abuse.” It also calls for “a national immigration policy in the U.S. built upon the principles of human security with dignity, justice, and equality, and that uphold the civil and human rights of all people, regardless of their race, color, class, religion, ethnicity, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, disability, immigration or citizenship status.”
To view the full statement and list of endorsers, go to:
Additionally, numerous events have been and will be taking place around the country to commemorate International Migrants Day. These include press conference, vigils, cultural events and film-screenings in cities such as Hartford CT, Apopka FL, Tucson AZ, Minneapolis MN and Portland OR. (To view a partial list of events and contact information for each, go to:
For more information on the Over-Raided, Under Siege report, visit:,UnderSiegeEXECUTIVESUMMARY12-17-07.pdf
Or on International Migrants Day, December 18, visit
### The National Network for Immigrant and Refugee Rights is a national alliance of local coalitions and immigrant, refugee, community, religious, civil rights and labor organizations and activists. The National Network advocates for a just immigration and refugee policy in the United States and works to defend and expand the rights of all immigrants and refugees, regardless of immigration status. _________________________________________Arnoldo GarciaNational Network for Immigrant and Refugee RightsRed Nacional Pro Derechos Inmigrantes y Refugiados310 8th Street Suite 303Oakland, CA 94607Tel (510) 465-1984 ext. 305Fax (510) 465-1885Reply to: agarcia@nnirr.org*Register Now! Matriculate ya!Claiming Our Rights, Envisioning Our Future:Communities Organizing for JusticeReclamando nuestros derechos, Forjando nuestro futuro:Comunidades organizando por la justiciaNNIRR National Conference on Immigrant and Refugee Rights / Conferencia nacional para los derechos de las y los inmigrantes de la Red NacionalJanuary 18-20, 2008 in Houston, Texas / Del 18 al 20 de Enero, 2008 en Houston, TexasRegister online at/Matriculate por internet en:
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Protesters enter Hutto prison with toys for children
Protesters enter Hutto Prison with toys for imprisoned migrant children
Texas Civil Rights Review
Posted by editor on Sunday, December 16 @ 19:54:34 MST
by Greg Moses
About 100 people protesting the imprisonment of immigrant families at the T. Don Hutto Prison in Taylor, Texas on Sunday evening marched across a parking lot to the front door of the prison and then entered the prison lobby with toys and wrapping paper.Jaime Martinez, National Treasurer of the League of United Latin American Citizens called for the march shortly after 5:30. Carrying a bullhorn, Martinez informed the protesters that prison officials had made a promise to come out and get the toys at 5 p.m.When Martinez called for the people to take the toys to the children, the crowd pressed forward across a yellow line painted on the driveway marking official prison property."Bring the toys!" called Martinez from the prison door as volunteers grabbed boxes and bags of toys along with rolls of wrapping paper and rushed to the prison door.One of the volunteers, Georgetown resident Peter Dana, later described carrying a box of toys through a metal detector. He said he thought about helping to engineer a metal detector years ago.Inside the lobby, prison officials appeared to be accepting the toys for the children inside. Previous reports from various sources say that Hutto houses about 400 immigrants, half of them children.The toy march was the high point of an active day that began with a longer march from downtown Taylor to the prison that lies upon a large, flat field at the outskirts of town, across the tracks.Local LULAC Secretary Jose Orta began the day's preparations by parking a rented trailer across the street from the prison. The trailer served as a stage for speakers during an afternoon rally.At sundown, the final speaker of the day, Rev. Jim Rigby of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church in Austin, asked the people to turn around and face the prison. By that time, most of the participants were holding lit candles as part of a sundown vigil.Shortly after the crowd had turned around, Martinez began walking among the people with his bullhorn."Free the Children, Now!" chanted the crowd with Martinez."The children were out playing when we first marched here from town," said Orta, recalling the day's events. "They saw us, but they were taken inside."The Department of Homeland Security says the Hutto prison is dedicated to immigrant families with children.Organizers and protesters agreed that eventually they want to close the prison and end the imprisonment of children altogether.After the toy march, filmmakers Matthew Gossage and Lily Keber transformed the chilly night darkness into a screening of their new film, "Hutto: America's Family Prison" which can be viewed at: Keber was taping the day's protest, including the toy march, so perhaps a sequel will be forthcoming.Near the end of the screening, a few people made two more attempts to deliver more toys to the front door of the Hutto prison. The first attempt was rebuffed by a security guard, but the second attempt succeeded as a young man carrying a child took the bags past the guard to the front door. Inside the lobby, it appeared that people dressed in civilian clothes were processing the toys for delivery to the children inside.
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Censored News is published by censored journalist Brenda Norrell. A journalist for 27 years, Brenda lived on the Navajo Nation for 18 years, writing for Navajo Times, AP, USA Today, Lakota Times and other American Indian publications. After being censored and then terminated by Indian Country Today in 2006, she began the Censored Blog to document the most censored issues. She currently serves as human rights editor for the U.N. OBSERVER & International Report at the Hague and contributor to Sri Lanka Guardian, Narco News and CounterPunch. She was cohost of the 5-month Longest Walk Talk Radio across America, with Earthcycles Producer Govinda Dalton in 2008:
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