Black Mesa Indigenous Support
Codepink Arizona
Don't Waste Arizona
Groundwater Awareness League
Nuclear Resister
Pax Christi - Phoenix
Physicians for Social Responsibility Arizona
Prescott Peace & Justice Center
Progressive Democrats of America - Phoenix Chapter
Salt of the Earth Labor College
Tucson Peace Center
invite you to join them and
Statewide demonstration in Phoenix on Tuesday, April 26, the 25th anniversary of the Chernobyl nuclear catastrophe. We gather to remember the radioactive legacy of Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Three Mile Island, Rio Puerco, Chernobyl, Fukushima and many more... and to say NO to the relicensing of Palo Verde (Arizona's only nuclear power plant, 50 miles west of Phoenix, operated by Arizona Public Service) and NO to uranium mining near the Grand Canyon. It's time to shut down the nuclear industry and invest in a nuclear- and carbon-free energy future!
11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
at Arizona Public Service (APS) Headquarters
400 N. 5th St., Phoenix
Speakers & Music
For carpooling and other information, email nonukes@igc.org or call 480-894-2024 or 520-323-8697. Signs, radiation suits, etc. will be available at the demonstration, or bring your own!
Donations are needed for printing, supplies, etc. Please make checks payable to the Nuclear Resister and write "for April 26" on the memo line. Send to the Nuclear Resister, POB 43383, Tucson, AZ 85733. Secure online donations can be made via paypal at the Nuclear Resister website at www.nukeresister.org/donate (on the final screen please click on ³add special instructions to the seller² and note that the donation is for April 26).
No uranium mining - no nuclear power - no nuclear weapons
YES to solar power and other renewables - YES to nuclear disarmament
YES to a nuclear-free future!
April 11, 2011
Contact: Arizona Alliance for Peace & Justice, 480-894-2024
Felice & Jack Cohen-Joppa, 520-323-8697, nonukes@igc.org
In the face of the continuing reactor meltdowns in Japan and radiation contamination spreading throughout the world, Arizonans will Stand Together for a Nuclear Free-Future in Phoenix on Tuesday, April 26, the 25th anniversary of the Chernobyl nuclear catastrophe.
The demonstration at 400 N. 5th St., outside the headquarters of Arizona Public Service Company, will run from noon -1:30 p.m.
Participants will be calling for no relicensing of Palo Verde, no uranium mining at the Grand Canyon, and for the government to immediately increase investment in a carbon- and nuclear-free energy future.
Signs, banners, and street theater will portray the radioactive legacy of the Nuclear Age, from Hiroshima to Fukushima, and from the uranium mines and mill tailings of northern Arizona to the nuclear waste piling up at the Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station (Arizona's only nuclear power complex, 50 miles west of Phoenix).
Speakers will briefly address the impact of past and present uranium mining in Arizona, and the environmental, health and nuclear weapons proliferation dangers of nuclear energy.
³A quarter-century after Chernobyl, and in the wake of Fukushima, the nuclear power industry is spending millions to persuade the American public that these catastrophes are nothing to worry about. Worse, these apologists want us to believe we have no choice but to leap from the fossil fuel skillet into the nuclear fire,² said Jack Cohen-Joppa, co-editor of the Nuclear Resister newsletter, based in Tucson.
³The truth is, nuclear power is dangerous, dirty and expensive. On this anniversary, we're bringing the demands of the majority of the planet's people to the public square: No more uranium mining, end our reliance on nuclear energy, and abolish the threat of nuclear war once and for all. Our survival depends upon it.²
Phoenix environmentalist Steve Brittle of Don't Waste Arizona stated, ³When Don't Waste Arizona filed formal questions about Palo Verde's relicensing, we never expected the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to skip the real process and conduct a 'generic' Environmental Impact Statement, ignoring questions about terrorism, the current radioactive contamination problem at Palo Verde, nuclear waste storage on-site, water availability, and the additional risks posed by the aging nuclear power plant.²
Stand Together for a Nuclear-Free Future is endorsed by a broad range of Arizona energy, environmental, conservation, religious, labor, peace and social justice organizations, including the Arizona Alliance for Peace and Justice, Black Mesa Indigenous Support, Codepink Arizona, Don't Waste Arizona, Groundwater Awareness League, Nuclear Resister, Pax Christi-Phoenix, Physicians for Social Responsibility Arizona, Prescott Peace & Justice Center, Progressive Democrats of America - Phoenix Chapter, SafeEnergyAnalyst.org, Salt of the Earth Labor College, Tucson Peace Center.
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