Republic of Lakotah
P.O. Box 99
Porcupine, SD 57772
January1, 2008
Notice to All Foreign Governments and Private Owners of Real Estate within the Republic of Lakotah
TO: The United States of America;The States of: Montana, Wyoming, North Dakota, South Dakota and Nebraska;
The County and Municipal Governments Operating within the Republic of Lakotah; and All Private Owners of Real Estate within the Republic of Lakotah
Lakotah, through its government, have appointed representatives to withdraw from all the treaties with the United States of America.Lakotah, through such representatives, have formally withdrawn from all agreements and treaties with the United States of America. The reinstitution of our freedom and independence is found in law.Lakotah has reclaimed sovereignty as a nation and over its traditional lands.
Despite many years of repeated bad faith on the part of the United States government towards the Lakotah People, the Lakotah hold no animosity toward the American people, most of whom have had no part in the actions of their government. We wish to deal with the American people in good faith and in a win-win manner.While we have the right to impose liens on all of the real estate in our country, we prefer to come to resolutions with you all with out resorting to such measures. Accordingly, at this time, we are only declaring liens on real estate held by governments foreign to the Republic of Lakotah, but not on real estate held by private parties.The Declaration of Independence, the Constitution of the United States of America and the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties substantiate this freedom.
Lakotah welcomes the opportunity to meet and discuss this matter. We are in the process of scheduling meetings and will issue public invitations.
Russell Means
Chief Facilitator
Provisional Government
Republic of Lakotah
Update from Lakotah Republic on purchases of real estate in Lakotah Republic
January 2, 2008
Notice to All Prospective Buyers and Lessors of Government Owned Real Estate within the Republic of Lakotah, through its government, have appointed representatives to withdraw from all the treaties with the United States of America.
Lakota, through such representatives, have formally withdrawn from all agreements and treaties with the United States of America. The reinstitution of our freedom and independence is found in law.
Lakotah has reclaimed sovereignty as a nation and over its traditional lands. The Declaration of Independence, the Constitution of the United States of America and the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties substantiate this freedom.
While we have the right to impose liens on all of the real estate in our country, we are only declaring liens on real estate held by governments foreign to the Republic of Lakotah, but not on real estate held by private parties. However, if you buy, lease, or make any other real estate transaction with any government foreign to the Republic of Lakotah after this date, the real estate may be subject to a lien by the Republic of Lakotah or the Bank of the Republic of Lakotah. This would especially apply to the purchase of tax deeds or extraction rights.If you are interested in obtaining any such property free and clear of any lien by the Republic of Lakotah or the Bank of the Republic of Lakotah, please let us know.We look forward to making win-win solutions with all people in our country.
Russell Means
Chief Facilitator
Provisional Government
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