Co-Chair, Interior Department Transition Team
Director University of Washington School of Law
Native American Law Center
Cc: Keith Harper
Team Lead, Interior Department Transition Team
Kilpatrick Stockton LLP
Suite 900
607 14th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20005-2018
Dagotee' Robert Anderson,
At this time, on behalf of my mother, Dr. Eloisa Garcia Tamez, Indigenous peoples, and impacted land owners of El Calaboz Rancheria, and in coordination with our allied communities throughout the hemisphere, we are handing to you an important document which articulates the prayers, vision and requests from traditional elders, women, families, veterans, and workers of the Texas-Mexico bordered lands.
Since I last spoke to you, an enormous effort has gone into the preparation of this document, encompassing the voices of a vast binational, international network of grass-roots communities, legal advisors, NGO's, non-profit organizations, and key Indigenous leaders along the U.S.-Mexico bordered lands
We are entrusting you with this historical document in the hopes that you will safekeep and deliver our message to the Interior Department Transition Team and to President-Elect Obama.
Attached is our letter addressed to to the President-Elect, care of yourself, and copied to Keith Harper.
Margo Tamez
Lipan Apache Women Defense
Copy of letter to President-elect Obama with signatures, letter of support and media advisory for Tuesday's telephone conference:
Double click on each page of letter below to enlarge
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